Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The XEC Variant in Europe & The U.S.

From The Independent, 10-16-24

Mapped: Cases of new Covid variant XEC spread across Europe

"A new Covid variant has been reported across the globe with fears it will soon be the dominant strain of the illness.

"Cases of the XEC variant, first detected in Germany in June, have since been reported in the UK, United States, Denmark and other countries. Experts say the strain is now “taking charge” and will likely continue to spread globally.

"Researchers predicted in August this variant could take anywhere from few weeks to a couple months to take off and spread more rapidly.

"The strain has now been detected in at least 29 countries and 24 US states.

"XEC, a sublineage of the omicron variant, was first reported in Berlin, Germany, in June and is now spreading “quite rapidly” across Europe, North America and Asia, according to Covid data analyst Mike Honey.

"The Czech Republic had the highest prevalence of the variant as 16 per cent of Covid case samples from the country contained XEC.

"The strain, a combination of the KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 variants, presents symptoms similar to those of other Covid variants including tiredness, headaches, a sore throat and high temperatures. However, researchers have called for monitoring the XEC variant more closely to better understand its symptoms.

"Prof Francois Balloux, Director of the Genetics Institute at University College London told the BBC that the XEC variant is more contagious but that vaccines should still offer good protection as it is from the Omicron family. He says it is possible XEC will become the dominant subvariant over the winter though.

"KS.1.1 is a type of what’s commonly called a FLiRT variant.

"It is characterised by mutations in the building block molecules phenylalanine (F) altered to leucine (L), and arginine (R) to threonine (T) on the spike protein that the virus uses to attach to human cells.

"The second omicron subvariant KP.3.3 belongs to the category FLuQE where the amino acid glutamine (Q) is mutated to glutamic acid (E) on the spike protein, making its binding to human cells more effective.

"As the novel coronavirus continues to evolve, data suggests XEC is growing steadily each day with an advantage over previously known subvariants.

"The strain now accounts for 9.35 per cent of all UK cases.

"Its symptoms are similar to those of previous Covid variants, including fever, sore throat, cough, loss of sense of smell, loss of appetite, and body aches.

"But since it is still only a sub-family of the same omicron lineage, experts say keeping up to date with vaccines and booster shots would offer sufficient protection against severe illness and hospitalisation.

"The US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention also advises people to practise good hygiene and to take steps for cleaner air.

"Researchers have called for monitoring the XEC variant more closely to better understand its symptoms."

Sinwar is Dead, Killed by the IDF!

Sinwar is finally eliminated. Imagine. If Israel had taken Biden's advice to pause, halt, restrain, stop, and/or have a ceasefire, the IDF would have have been able to kill Sinwar, the Hamas mastermind responsible for the October 7, 2023 pogrom!

The Biden Administration would be well-advised to remain silent today.

Hamas supporters and sympathizers all over the world must be mourning his loss. But we Jews are celebrating one of the best days in a year filled with non-stop horror and evil.

However, the end of Sinwar doesn't mean the end of Hamas, so we have to remain vigilant.

Here's a column by the great Douglas Murray:


War was never going to end without death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar — may his nihilistic fanaticism die with him - 10/17/24

"There was cautious celebration in Israel on Thursday as news started to filter through that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar had been killed in Gaza. The mastermind of October 7th was — among some competition — the most fanatical leader in Hamas.

"In 2011, he was the most high-level of 1,027 Palestinian terrorists released from Israeli prisons in exchange for one kidnapped Israeli soldier.

"His release caused huge controversy in Israel. Time would show why.

"Once back in Gaza he became notorious for his psychopathic violence — directed against Palestinians as well as Israelis. In 2016 he was involved in the torture and murder of Hamas’ own Mahmoud Ishtiwi, who Sinwar accused of homosexuality.

"He was always the fanatic’s fanatic. In 2018 he gave an address to the citizens of Gaza in which he said: “We’ll take down the border [with Israel] and tear out their hearts from their bodies.”

"On October 7th last year he made his words a reality.

"For many Israelis, the killing of Sinwar was always the most important signal that the war against Hamas in Gaza could be over.

"Over the past year, the group’s ability to fire rockets into Israel had already been almost totally degraded. In the last 12 months of fighting, Hamas had already lost almost all of its senior commanders.

"But as long as Sinwar lived there could be no closure for the Israeli public.

"There are several immediate questions that will now be on peoples’ minds. For the past year Sinwar has been believed to have surrounded himself in the tunnels of Gaza with some of the Israeli hostages stolen from their homes on the 7th. Are they still alive? And if so where are they?

"It is possible that Sinwar long ago lost track of which hostages were where, as Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups spread them around Gaza.

"Or perhaps he did, as was long believed, keep what he would have seen as the most valuable hostages (women and children) close around him. He was reported to move around the tunnels of Gaza with these hostages and a permanent accompaniment of explosives so that they died if he did. But it seems on early reports that this was not the case. He died with other Hamas terrorists above ground.

"We know from paper and verbal messages passed by Sinwar in the past year that he saw this battle as a civilizational one against the Jews.

"And that he regarded any and all Palestinian civilian casualties of his war as “necessary sacrifices.”

"His fanaticism may well have been one of the most important forces to have stopped an earlier end to the war and a deal to hand over the remaining hostages. Sinwar knew that he would not live if all the hostages were released.

"What the fate of the remaining hostages is will hopefully become clearer in the coming days. Perhaps now that Hamas’ leadership is almost completely destroyed maybe there will be the kind of chaos that has broken out in Hezbollah since its leadership was also destroyed in recent weeks. The chaos could lead to further killing.

"Or it could lead to people realizing that there is nothing now worth fighting for and that it is finally time for Hamas to call this war to a close.

"It is known that Sinwar was a major block to any discussion even of postwar planning or Gaza. He had let it be known in the tunnels that he thought it “shameful and outrageous” that some Palestinian factions were engaging in talks last December about postwar reconstruction.

"So there is likely to be a sigh of relief across the moderate Arab countries as well as across Israel that this maniac has finally gone to the dust.

"What it means in the short term is that an end to the war may finally be in sight. Israel’s prime minister has made it clear since last year that he is interested only in total victory against Hamas.

"Many people said that Benjamin Netanyahu would not be able to achieve that goal. It seems that they are the ones being proved wrong.

"In the longer term it is possible that, with Sinwar gone, Israel and its regional and international partners will finally be able to imagine what a deradicalized, post-war Gaza might look like.

"But it is too early to have that discussion before any surviving hostages are returned home. And not returned as bargaining chips, but as a pre-requisite to the IDF halting its operations.

"For now, there is a much wider lesson for the region and indeed for America.

"Sinwar wished to annihilate the State of Israel. He made his best go at it on October 7th. Hassan Nasrallah also wished to annihilate the State of Israel. Both were also fanatical enemies of the West. Sinwar has the blood of many Americans as well as Israelis on his hands. Hassan Nasrallah also believed that he was free to murder and kidnap Americans — including 241 American Marines in Beirut.

"Both have now been buried in the earth.

"Will their fanatical, bloody and apocalyptic worldview die with them? It is possible. Observers often say that such fanatics are inevitably replaced by another fanatic. But Sinwar — like Nasrallah — was a fairly unique figure. Irreplaceable, you might say.

"But will people in the region — as well as the West — who fell for their bloody propaganda now realize that their side is the losing one? It would be the best thing possible for peace in the region if they did. Figures like Nasrallah and Sinwar are not “saviors” of the Palestinian people.

"They were always the worst menaces of the Palestinian people — ensuring by their actions that peace was not achievable and war would be the only end.

"Sometime in the past year, Sinwar passed a message through the tunnels in which he said “We have the Israelis right where we want them.”

"He didn’t. But now the Israelis have Sinwar exactly in the place he deserves."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

There's No Excuse to Skip Your Annual COVID Shot!

Here's a common sense column by former U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams:

Commentary: The high stakes of skipping your yearly COVID-19 shot

"Every parent wants to keep their family safe. We want our children to be healthy and enjoy the activities and milestones of adolescence. We yearn to grow old alongside our partners and to celebrate many more birthdays and holidays with our own parents.

"This deep-seated desire for safety and togetherness spurred many of us into action when the COVID-19 vaccine first became available more than three years ago. After a year marked by isolation and fear for our loved ones’ health, most Americans eagerly lined up to get their initial shots.

"Yet, in 2024, I fear we’ve created a false sense of security. Seventy percent of Americans were fully vaccinated from COVID-19 in 2022, but only 22% got an updated vaccine last year. An updated vaccine — designed to help your body produce antibodies against the most likely currently circulating strains of the virus — offers crucial protection against severe illness, hospitalization and death. Unfortunately, our hospitals are already feeling the strain of declining vaccination rates. Some 34,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 in 2024 alone, with thousands more hospitalized and hundreds succumbing weekly.

"Like so many, I felt a wave of relief when my family completed our initial vaccinations. Finally, we could enjoy life with a renewed sense of safety.

"That’s why my family continues to get vaccinated every year. My daughter is receiving her updated COVID-19 vaccine to minimize her chances of falling ill before her high school homecoming dance. My wife, who is battling cancer, knows that a COVID-19 infection could pose severe complications. My elderly parents, both in high-risk categories, receive their vaccinations to protect their health. And as someone who travels frequently for work, I get vaccinated to reduce the risk of bringing the virus home.

"Yet almost 80% of the public doesn’t share our sense of urgency. To be frank, the medical and public health community has struggled to effectively communicate the importance of annual COVID-19 vaccinations. Immunity wanes, and the virus mutates; it’s not a one-and-done scenario. People need yearly updates for optimal protection against circulating strains.

"Many are underestimating the dangers of remaining unvaccinated. Millions of Americans are at high risk, yet many don’t recognize themselves as such. Approximately 7 in 10 adults have a risk factor for severe COVID-19 symptoms. Conditions such as high blood pressure increase the risk fourfold, while chronic lung diseases raise it sixfold, and diabetes raises it threefold.

"The most significant risk factor for poor COVID-19 outcomes remains age: Adults ages 65 and older account for two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations and more than 81% of in-hospital deaths. Alarmingly, only about 40% of Americans in that age group received a COVID-19 vaccine last year.

"Even healthy adults and children can suffer long-term symptoms from a COVID-19 infection. As a parent, this is one of my greatest concerns. The risk of long-term symptoms, known as long COVID, increases with each infection, even if it’s a mild case. About 7% of U.S. adults — nearly 18 million people — report enduring symptoms such as shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and brain fog. While there is no known cure for long COVID, recent studies indicate that vaccination can reduce the risk of developing these chronic symptoms by up to 70%.

"No one wants to miss work, school or cherished moments because of a severe infection or lingering symptoms. We’ve already lost too many special occasions during the peak of the pandemic. We all want to gather safely with loved ones at Thanksgiving, go on planned vacations and celebrate life’s joyous moments, whether it’s weddings or the joy of new babies. We want to visit our loved ones in nursing homes without the fear of causing an outbreak while doing so. We want to gather safely with our friends, and we can do this more assuredly if everyone is vaccinated.

"COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to significantly lower risk of hospitalization and death and have been safely administered to billions of people worldwide. As with any health recommendation, it’s understandable that people will have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine — and they should always consult their doctors or trusted health care providers. It’s vital that we take our health seriously, seek answers and engage in compassionate conversations about vaccination.

"Updated COVID-19 vaccines are now available nationwide, and the time to act is now. Let’s prioritize our health, protect our loved ones and cherish the moments that matter. Together, we can navigate this ongoing challenge with vigilance and care."

Stop the Insanity: PC DEI in Oregon

Mike Shaw should be immediately reinstated and promoted with a raise after suing Megan, and then she/her/it/them should be fired!


From the New York Post editorial board:

Absurd Oregon DEI firing proves woke HASN’T peaked 

"At long last, the scourge of cisheterosexism will no longer harm the pristine forests of Oregon!

"That’s thanks to the ouster of Mike Shaw, who served as the No. 2 at the state’s forestry department.

"His sin? Reportedly looking “beyond gender and identity in hiring, seeking only candidates most qualified for the job.”

"How dare he! 

"Doesn’t everyone know that properly maintaining forests must take (distant) second place to respecting the tender feelings of gender-confused millennials and Zoomers?

"The forestry department’s DEI strategist, Megan Donecker, seems like she was behind the defenestration. 

"She further alleged that six queer-identifying staff members didn’t feel “safe or comfortable” on the job because they couldn’t freely have “conversations around pronouns.” 

"Pronoun convos being, of course, the sine qua non of successful forestry efforts. 

"Not expertise in dendrology, love of nature or administrative and scientific skill.  

"Shaw’s real crime, of course, was having the effrontery to suggest that the department — which boasts a budget of nearly $600 million — maybe focus less on DEI efforts and more on, you know, taking care of trees and such.  

"And yes, it’s funny to imagine a pink-haired mediocrity like Donecker carefully plotting the Machiavellian overthrow of Shaw because of pronouns.

"It’s so on the nose that if it showed up in a satirical movie no one would buy it. 

"But there’s something very sobering going on here, namely the naked way in which Shaw was attacked precisely for trying to find qualified candidates. 

"That means his critics want to subsume the public interest to their perverse ideological needs, possibly putting Oregon’s splendid forests at risk — and they feel comfortable openly admitting it. 

"And if it’s happening in the Forestry Department, it’s happening elsewhere in Oregon’s state government. 

"As long as these signals keep emerging from the public and private sectors’ Byzantine middle-management setups, woke has not peaked. 

"Mike Shaw and everyone else still in touch with reality needs to increase the pressure till they win"

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Expel Rashida Tlaib From Congress NOW

Just who does this antisemite represent --- the people of Michigan or the Jew-haters in Gaza? Kick her out of Congress, and deport her to the Middle East where she can represent Hamas from there instead of here:

'Squad' member calls Netanyahu a 'genocidal maniac,' sparking backlash from Israeli ambassador to the UN;Rashida Tlaib asks when US will ‘stop funding this madness’ in the Middle East

"Democrat 'Squad' member Rashida Tlaib is now calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "genocidal maniac," prompting a sharp rebuke from the country’s ambassador to the United Nations. 

"Genocidal maniac Netanyahu is burning Palestinians alive, bombing hospitals, starving people, and killing aid workers," the Michigan representative wrote Monday night in a post on X. 

"When will our country stop funding this madness? When?" she added.

"Israeli ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon responded to her by writing "The only ones who burned children alive were your buddies over at Hamas."

Another Threatening Ultimatum to Israel from the Biden-Harris Collaborators

Life in Israel will improve -- when this administration is thrown out of office!

How disgraceful!  Netanyahu should ignore this threat and have no further useless conversations with Biden and his anti-Israel team of appeasers. If they are so obsessed with "humanitarian aid to Gaza", let Biden provide it himself -- or have Harris deliver it personally -- the week of the election.


Biden-Harris administration threatens to withhold military aid to Israel if conditions in Gaza don’t improve 

"The Biden-Harris administration is giving Israel 30 days to improve humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza or else the US could halt military assistance, according to a letter sent to the Israeli military.

"The letter, penned by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, threatens to pause the delivery of US weapons and aid to Israel unless the Jewish state provides assurance that humanitarian aid is flowing into Gaza unhindered, according to Ynet News reports."

Tripledemic warning from the UK:Ignore At Your Own Risk

What happens with COVID in the United Kingdom usually soon happens in the United States, so I'm taking this seriously and not dropping my guard any time soon:


From SurreyLive, October 15, 2024:

Doctor issues dire 'tripledemic' warning to Brits for this winter

There are fears that the side-by-side outbreaks of these three respiratory illnesses could have major repercussions for the NHS 

"A doctor has warned of a potential 'tripledemic' this winter, which could put major strain on the NHS. With the nights closing in and temperature dropping, there are fears that Covid-19, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) could hit the nation hard.

"Illnesses often spread rapidly over winter, with many viruses thriving and our immune systems weakened. And with people often spending more time indoors, it means the conditions are ripe for illness.

"That leaves the UK open for a 'tripledemic', leaving doctors concerned for the nation's health this winter. Dr Chun Tang, a GP at Pall Mall, said: “A ‘tripledemic’ refers to side-by-side outbreaks of three respiratory illnesses, typically occurring during the autumn and winter seasons.

“In recent years, it’s been used to describe the simultaneous spread of Covid-19, influenza (flu), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Each of these viruses can cause severe illness, especially in vulnerable groups like the elderly, young children, and those with weakened immune systems.

“It is of particular concern now because, as these viruses circulate together, they can put pressure on the NHS due to a greater influx of patients."

"A new Covid-19 variant, known as XEC, has been identified this autumn and is contributing to rising case numbers across the UK, leading to growing unease amongst health officials. Hospital admission rates have escalated to 4.55 per 100,000 from 3.72 last week, with a particularly sharp increase in the older demographic – notably those aged 85 and above are experiencing cases up to 52.48 per 100,000.

“RSV, flu, and Covid share many overlapping symptoms like fever, cough, runny nose, and fatigue, which can make it difficult to tell the difference between them," Dr Tang added.

"“Covid-19 may lead to a loss of taste or smell and more frequent breathing difficulties,” highlights Tang. “RSV often causes wheezing and is more likely to affect infants, while the flu tends to hit quickly with sudden fever and body aches. If you’re unsure, testing can confirm which virus is responsible. For infants, seek medical attention if they are struggling to breathe, are dehydrated, or if the child becomes unusually lethargic."

"The start of October saw the NHS start its flu and Covid vaccine roll-out. Older people, care home residents and people with health conditions are all eligible for vaccinations, with jabs set to be given from Thursday.

"The latest roll-out comes after health officials raised concerns about a fall in the uptake of the flu vaccine. It is thought that the illness has caused at least 18,000 deaths in the last two years.

"It’s possible to contract more than one of these viruses together,” warns Tang. “Being infected with multiple respiratory viruses can increase the severity of illness and make it harder for the body to recover, especially for those with weakened immune systems or existing health conditions.

The people most vulnerable to severe illness from a tripledemic include young children, older adults, and individuals with underlying health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, or weakened immune systems.

“Babies under the age of one, especially those born prematurely, are at higher risk from RSV, while older adults and those with chronic conditions may face more serious complications from the flu and Covid-19.”

Monday, October 14, 2024

"Indigenous Peoples Day"? No Thanks - It's Columbus Day!

Enough with the ridiculous political correctness and disregard for history.

I can still remember a part of the poem we learned as schoolchildren:

"In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
He had three ships and left from Spain; He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain."

Besides,  Columbus probably Spanish and Jewish, study says.

"Famed explorer Christopher Columbus was likely Spanish and Jewish, according to a new genetic study conducted by Spanish scientists that aimed to shed light on a centuries-old mystery.

"Scientists believe the explorer, whose expedition across the Atlantic in 1492 changed the course of world history, was probably born in western Europe, possibly in the city of Valencia.

"They think he concealed his Jewish identity, or converted to Catholicism, to escape religious persecution.

"The study of DNA contradicts the traditional theory, which many historians had questioned, that the explorer was an Italian from Genoa.

"His arrival there was the beginning of a period of European contact with the Americas, which would lead to conquest and settlement - and the deaths of many millions of indigenous people to diseases and war.

"Countries have argued for years over the explorer's origin, with many claiming him as one of their own.

"There have been an estimated 25 conflicting theories of his birthplace, including Poland, Great Britain, Greece, Portugal, Hungary and Scandinavia.

"These new findings are based on more than two decades of research.

"The study began in 2003, when José Antonio Lorente, professor of forensic medicine at Granada University, and the historian Marcial Castro, exhumed what were believed to be the remains of Columbus from Seville Cathedral.

"Columbus died in the Spanish city of Valladolid in 1506 but wished to be buried on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. His remains were taken there in 1542 but centuries later were transferred to Cuba before being finally laid to rest in Seville.

"The researchers also took DNA samples from the tomb, and from the bones of Columbus' son, Hernando, and brother, Diego.

"Since then scientists have compared that genetic information with that of historical figures and the explorer's relatives in order to try and solve the mystery.

"The previously widely accepted theory was that Columbus was born in Genoa in 1451, to a family of wool weavers.

"But they now believe he lived in Spain - likely in Valencia - and was Jewish. They think he hid his background to avoid persecution.

"Around 300,000 practising Jews lived in Spain, before they along with Muslims were ordered to either convert to Catholicism or leave the country in 1492, the year Columbus landed in the Americas.

"Announcing the study's results on the television documentary Columbus DNA: His True Origin, Professor Lorente said they were "almost absolutely reliable".

"The programme - which aired on Spain's national broadcaster RTVE on Saturday night - coincided with Spain's National Day.

"The day celebrates the explorer's arrival in the Americas."

COVID news & more for 10/13/24

Here's the latest edition of Dr Ruth Ann Crystal's fact-filled newsletter, COVID news & more, for October 13, 2024:

"Here in the United States, wastewater levels of SARS-CoV-2 are finally LOW on a national level. In fact, according to JP Weiland, we are at a level lower than we saw in Fall 2023 and 2022. COVID transmission has decreased significantly in many places. There are approximately 310,000 new infections per day and only 1 in every 108 people is currently infected which is significantly better than the almost 1 million daily infections that we saw during the summer wave.


"Montana and Oregon still have VERY HIGH levels of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in their wastewater, followed by HIGH levels (Level 8) in Arizona, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming and HIGH levels (Level 7) in Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma and West Virginia. 

"In the United Kingdom, COVID hospitalizations have increased significantly in England, where they are also starting to see rises in Influenza and RSV. 


"KP.3.1.1 represents 57% of current COVID cases. The new recombinant variant XEC has been doubling over the last three weeks from 2.3% to 5.3% to 10.7% in the United States. XEC is able to escape our immunity better than KP.3.1.1, but it appears that the new fall vaccines should protect us against severe disease. XEC is expected to peak around the end of November, but it is not expected to cause a very large impact on winter surge numbers according to JP Weiland.


"In the United States, the fall mRNA vaccines are based on the KP.2 variant of SARS-CoV-2. However, many places in Europe will offer mRNA COVID vaccines against the JN.1 variant this winter. A new study from Germany shows that the JN.1 mRNA COVID vaccines provide neutralization against KP.3.1.1 and XEC and should protect against hospitalization and severe COVID disease with the current SARS-2 variants. The JN.1 Novavax vaccine was also approved by the European Union for people age 12 and older.

"In a randomized trial, adults in Japan with 3 prior mRNA vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 were given either a new self-amplifying mRNA vaccine called ARCT-154 or the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. ARCT-154 produced a stronger and longer-lasting immune response compared to the standard Pfizer mRNA vaccine with protection lasting at least 12 months. This suggests that using self-amplifying mRNA vaccines for annual boosters may provide better protection, as long new variants do not change significantly over the year.

COVID, Oral Health and Social Determinants of Health

"In Indiana, 209 people who were COVID positive answered a survey about oral health months after their COVID infection. Self-reported gum disease was associated with lower socioeconomic status, more severe COVID infection, as well as ongoing problems with taste and smell. The study suggests that poor oral health may increase the risk of severe COVID outcomes, especially for lower-income groups.


"A study from Weill Cornell shows that children with Long COVID have 152% higher odds of being seen in the emergency department. Long COVID kids were most often seen for chest pain, fluid imbalances, and generalized pain. The authors emphasize "the importance of improved guidance [for emergency department staff] for managing Long COVID symptoms in children." 

Antiviral treatments

"Nanobodies are made by camels. A group from Beijing, China made a trivalent nanobody called B11-E8-F3 which is composed of three nanobodies joined in a trivalent form that neutralizes SARS-1 and 14 different SARS-CoV-2 variants. Animal studies show therapeutic promise.


"This week, the FDA approved the first over-the-counter (OTC) rapid-antigen COVID-19/Flu & and B combination test (Healgen Rapid Check COVID-19/Flu A&B Antigen Test) outside of emergency use. Before now, other over-the-counter combination COVID and Flu A and B tests have been available under emergency use authorization only. It is important to remember that people often get symptoms with COVID several days before they test positive on home rapid antigen tests. So, it is important to mask and retest after 48 hours x 2 to be sure that they do not have a COVID infection. One negative COVID test does not mean that you do not have COVID if you have symptoms and repeat tests are necessary to rule out a COVID infection.


This week’s Long COVID research summary

"This has been a chock-full week of Long COVID news. We are learning that COVID can cause inflammation in the brainstem- which is a vital center for many bodily functions. Three years after COVID infection, people are at 2 to 4x increased risk for heart attack, strokes and other major adverse cardiac events (MACE). Other viruses like the flu do not cause such long term damage. Something in the blood of people with Long COVID and ME/CFS  is toxic, causing muscle damage and degradation of mitochondria. Amyloid the in microclots from people with Long COVID makes them impossible to break down. Three genes have been found to be associated with Long COVID. Twenty-one percent of people who have had a COVID infection are later found to have prolonged COVID antigens in the blood (viral persistence), and in people with Long COVID, this number is double.

COVID and the Brainstem

"The brainstem is responsible for many of the body’s most vital functions including breathing, consciousness, blood pressure, heart rate, and sleep. People hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection often have prolonged fatigue, breathlessness, and chest pain. A group from the UK looked at the brainstem of people who had been hospitalized for COVID using a very high resolution MRI (7T). At an average of 6.5 months after hospitalization, researchers found microstructural abnormalities in the medulla, pons and midbrain regions in the brainstem that were associated with neuroinflammation. Specifically, there was increased susceptibility in the inferior medullary reticular formation and the raphe pallidus and obscurus. Prolonged respiratory symptoms after severe COVID may be related to brainstem inflammatory injury. “Damage to the brainstem could also be responsible for symptoms of long Covid, such as breathlessness and fatigue.”

"According to dysautonomia expert neurologist Dr. Blitshteyn, neuroinflammation in the dorsal medulla of the brainstem may be a cause for POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). 

Referenced: 3/2021 Journal of Neurology: Is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) a central nervous system disorder?

Increased risk of heart attack, strokes, blood clots three years after COVID infection

"You may have heard of someone with a heart attack in their 30s or 40s. Surprisingly, it could be due to a COVID infection that they had a few years ago. New data from the UK Biobank shows that up to three years after a COVID infection people have a 2-fold increased risk of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), including heart attack, stroke and all-cause mortality. People hospitalized for severe COVID had even higher risks (3.9-fold increased risk) for MACE. Being hospitalized with COVID increased people’s risk of MACE (including heart attack and stroke) at least as much or more than if they had pre-existing cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Any COVID infection is a risk factor for the heart and for stroke for at least three years.  

"The study also showed that people with non-O blood types (i.e. blood type A, B, or AB) had an elevated risk of blood clots up to three years after acute COVID infection compared to those with type O blood. COVID infection, along with severity of COVID infection and genetic factors such as blood type, affect long-term cardiovascular risks.

"This new study is consistent with work from Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly who published in 2023 that COVID infection led to increased risks of heart attack, stroke and blood clots up to two years after infection. 

"SARS-CoV-2 is unique in that it can increase risk (2x to 4x increased risk) for heart attack, stroke and blood clots for at least three years after infection. And, risks do not appear to diminish over time. We do not see this with the flu. We do not see this with other common respiratory infections. Why would that be?

"We know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or parts of the virus, can remain in the body in the bone marrow, in the gut, and even in the plaque of arteries that feed the heart. We call this viral persistence. In addition, we have learned that the COVID virus causes inflammation in the special cells, called endothelial cells, that line blood vessels throughout the body. SARS-CoV-2 has also been shown to cause unusual microclots in Long COVID that cannot be broken down by the body like normal clots can. COVID is not only a respiratory infection- it is a vascular disease that can affect the entire body for at least three years after infection.

Fibrinaloid Microclots

"About 20 different proteins in the body have the potential to misfold into beta-sheet clumps called amyloid that are difficult to break down once they are deposited in tissues. What diseases are affected by abnormal amyloid proteins? The amyloid protein Tau is found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The amyloid form of α-synuclein is found to make abnormal clumps called Lewy bodies in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. IAPP amyloid deposits are found in people with Type II diabetes. Now we know that COVID infection can lead to abnormal amyloid protein clumps within blood clots making them resistant to being broken down and allowing them to clog small arteries and veins.

"A new paper from Drs Kell and Pretorius shows that microclots found in people with Long COVID are very unusual in that they do not contain typical clotting proteins like α-2-macroglobulin, fibronectin, and transthyretin. Instead, these atypical "fibrinaloid" microclots contain adiponectin, periostin, and von Willebrand factor proteins that tend to misfold to form amyloid structures in βeta-sheets. For this reason, these fibrinaloid microclots are resistant to proteolysis. 

Figure 18

Figure from:

Long COVID, ME/CFS and Skeletal Muscle

"Rob Wust’s lab has previously shown that exercise can actually cause muscle necrosis and amyloid clumps to be deposited in the skeletal muscles of people with Long COVID. This is thought to be a part of what may be causing post-exertional malaise (PEM) that follows 1 to 2 days after exercise in people with Long COVID. PEM is a hallmark symptom of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). About 50% or more of people with Long COVID have ME/CFS.

"A new eye-opening and somewhat terrifying report shows that adding the serum from people with ME/CFS or Long COVID to normal skeletal muscle tissue in a test tube leads to increased mitochondrial stress and a shift to glycolysis in the muscle cells within 48 hours. By 96 hours, exposure to ME/CFS or Long COVID serum significantly impairs the skeletal muscle tissue's ability to contract and causes the muscle cell mitochondria to disintegrate. Mitochondria are usually the “powerhouses of the cell” that make the energy needed for cells to function normally. More studies are needed to discover what substance exactly is in the blood of people with Long COVID and/or with ME/CFS that poisons the mitochondria of muscle cells.

"People with ME/CFS and those with Long COVID have often been gaslighted by medical professionals telling them that their symptoms of exhaustion and post-exertional malaise are just in their head. My own family member who has Long COVID and ME/CFS has had this experience. PEM and exhaustion from Long COVID and ME/CFS are very real as seen by these latest studies.

Genetic Risk for Long COVID

"In a really interesting new large study, researchers from 23andMe used Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) across different ethnic groups and found 3 genes that are linked to Long COVID. The three loci HLA-DQA1–HLA-DQB, ABO, and BPTF–KPAN2–C17orf58 are associated with immune and thrombo-inflammatory mechanisms in the body. They summarized, “Our top finding links the HLA region, in particular the HLA-DRB1*11:04 variant, to developing Long COVID.” 

Viral persistence: SARS-CoV-2 Antigens in the Blood

"A new RECOVER consortium study looked at SARS-CoV-2 antigens in the blood of 706 people up to 14 months after a COVID infection to see if there was a relationship with persistent virus in the blood and Long COVID. SARS-CoV-2 antigens, of which the majority were the spike protein, were found in 21% of samples overall. SARS-CoV-2 antigen found in the blood was significantly associated with a higher risk of all Long COVID symptoms, although cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neurologic symptoms were seen most commonly. While 21% of blood samples overall were found to be SARS-2 antigen positive, people with Long COVID were twice as likely (43%) to have persistent viral antigens in their blood and having persistent virus in the blood correlated with Long COVID symptoms.

Other Long COVID and ME/CFS news

"The CIBS Center will be sponsoring a free webinar Thursday October 17th on applying for SSDI or SSI Disability for people with Long COVID and other post-infectious diseases.

"The Bateman Horne Center put out a new video featuring an endearing character called Mito explaining post-exertional malaise and ME/CFS entitled “Life with a Low Battery: Living with ME/CFS”. Tom Kindlon posted an infographic from the Chronic’s Chronicles showing what it is like to have a chronic illness like ME/CFS and Long COVID.


"Six new human cases of H5 Avian Flu were confirmed in California dairy workers since October 3rd, bringing the total to 20 human cases of avian influenza A(H5) virus infection in the United States since April 2024. “Ten of these cases were associated with exposure to H5N1 bird flu-infected poultry and nine were associated with exposure to sick or infected dairy cows… All six California cases are reported to have experienced mild symptoms, including eye redness or discharge (conjunctivitis), and none were hospitalized.”

"This week, the USDA confirmed 3 more H5N1 infected dairy herds in California, bringing the state’s total to 99 herds. As Helen Branswell states, “That's 9% of the state's total herds, confirmed as infected over a period of only 6 weeks. Cumulative national total: 299 herds in 14 states. 

"In a zoo in Vietnam, the H5N1 bird flu virus killed 47 tigers, 3 lions and a panther

Other news:

"A Marburg virus outbreak in two Rwandan hospitals has infected 61 people and killed 14. An experimental Sabin vaccine has been given to people exposed and there is no evidence of community transmission. “The United States recently upgraded its travel advisory for Rwanda, recommending against nonessential travel, and announced that health screening for inbound travelers from Rwanda will begin on October 14.” 

"The Earth will have a new temporary ‘mini moon’. "The mini moon is actually an asteroid about the size of a school bus at 33 feet (10 meters). When it whizzes by Earth on Sunday, it will be temporarily trapped by our planet’s gravity and orbit the globe — but only for about two months." 

"Blind fans can now use a handheld device from Field of Vision to allow them to “see” what is going on in a sports match via haptic feedback that they can feel with their hands."

Have a great week,

Ruth Ann Crystal MD

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A COVID Refresher Course

By Caroline C. Boyle at USA Today 10/12/24:

How long does COVID last? Here’s when experts say you'll start to feel better.

"How the body responds to COVID-19 will vary from one person to the next, and the same goes for the recovery period from the virus. 

"How long it’ll take to recover from COVID-19 is always going to be “patient dependent,” says Dr. Christopher P. Culler, MD, a primary care pediatrician with Nemours Children’s Health, Florida. While most people start to feel better after a week of having the virus, others may continue to experience symptoms months after the initial infection. 

"In conversation with experts, here’s a refresher on the common COVID-19 symptoms to look out for, when you should expect the virus to clear up, and when to see a doctor.

What is the timeline for COVID symptoms?

"People infected with COVID-19 may experience a diverse range of symptoms that vary from mild to severe, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

"The COVID-19 XEC variant is the next evolution of COVID-19, says Culler. Currently, no unique symptoms have been linked to the XEC variant, he says.