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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Money Wasters

MarketWatch had an article today that I totally agreed with: "These 16 money wasters are why so many Americans can’t save for retirement; We can’t tell the difference between needs and wants and are unable to delay gratification."

(It's not "we", since a lot of us were raised to be frugal, and we know how to prioritize.)

Those 16 money wasters are:

1. Tattoos 
2. Vacations
3. College 
4. Restaurants
5. Opportunities lost
6. Transportation 
7. Credit cards 
8. Lottery 
9. Clothing
10. Shoes 
11. Tchotchkes and stuff
12. Failing to look ahead
13. No backup plan 
14. Holidays 
15. Toys 
16. Haircuts

I noticed they somehow forgot to list expensive cell phones and cell phone plans; and expensive cable TV packages with more channels than they can watch. But I wholeheartedly agree with #5, transportation -- I've never seen so many poor people driving such huge, new pickup trucks and SUVs!

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