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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Immature, Coddled, & Emotionally Unprepared for the Real World

At first, I thought this headline was from the satirical Babylon Bee.  Can you just imagine how these whiny brats will respond when the judge rules against them in court?

Stanford offers support to students traumatized by appearance of conservative judge

"As Twitchy reported last week, Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan appeared at Stanford Law School and was shouted down by protesters; Duncan later called the event a 'bizarre therapy session from hell.'   Duncan, you see, is a Trump-appointed judge and a member of the Federalist Society, but even worse: he once refused to use a transgender sex offender’s preferred pronouns in his opinion. When Duncan asked for an administrator to step in and restore order, DEI Dean Tirien Steinbach gave a short speech in which she said that she was  'deeply, deeply uncomfortable.'

"Federalist Society leaders received an email (that went to all students) from acting Dean of Students Jeanne Merino to stress that traumatized students could seek 'safety and mental health'  support resources from various individuals, including Dean Steinbach.

"Jonathan Turley writes 'In what may constitute the most tone deaf response to an academic scandal in history, Stanford University is advising conservative students involved with the recently cancelled Federalist Society event that they can 'reach out'  to various resources, including DEI Dean Tirien Steinbach who helped shutdown the event. It is akin to the Oscars telling Chris Rock that Will Smith is available as an emotional support coach. You know what is emotionally therapeutic for those denied free speech? Free speech.'"

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