Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Friday, June 23, 2023

Outrageous COVID Vaccine Disinformation

This insane and astounding assertion comes from the fools in the state of Florida: "Hillsborough GOP: COVID vaccines a ‘biological weapon’"

"The Hillsborough County Republican Party has become the seventh local party in the state to pass a resolution calling COVID-19 and the COVID vaccine 'biological and technological weapons' and the vaccine, and the vaccines’ use a 'denial of informed consent' and 'crimes against humanity.'

"The resolution asks Gov. Ron DeSantis to ban the vaccines in Florida and seize all supplies of the vaccine in the state."

Crimes against humanity? The Holocaust was a crime against humanity! The Rwandan genocide was a crime against humanity!  The Cambodian and the Armenian genocides were crimes against humanity!

Life-saving vaccines help humanity, you morons!

It's insanity like this that is helping to spread COVID. Where will it end?

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