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Monday, August 14, 2023

An Anti-Mask Article That Misses the Point

This column compares those of us who wear a mask to Japanese soldiers who, after WW2, hid in caves rather than admit that the war was over and that Japan had lost.

The author says, "Such are the COVID holdouts. Most of us knew the masking and isolation was all nonsense. Even though they’ll never admit it our friends on the Left know the truth also and quietly threw away their masks. But to many, the mask was more than a health thing. It was a political statement and that statement was 'I am not one of those MAGA creeps.' For them, like the Japanese living in jungles 10, 20, and even 30 years after the war had ended, they can never surrender. Their entire identity is tied up in that mask."

There are so many incorrect statements in that 1 paragraph.  I for one never thought that masking & isolation were "nonsense" -- this was a brand new virus and nobody knew how it was spread or how many people would die. Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's a way of protecting ourselves from an airborne virus. And no, our entire identity is not tied up in the mask. Who even thinks like that?

This guy has never stopped to think that because he and so many others have stopped wearing a mask, the rest of us who are immunocompromised, elderly, frail, or sick would rather not catch COVID or any other disease from you! 

He may want to pretend that COVID is over, but the rest of us know it isn't, and we're protecting ourselves accordingly.  Just don't complain when you or your son get COVID, the flu, or RSV.

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