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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Using The Nazi Playbook in 2023

The brazen antisemitism that has erupted all over the world since the Hamas slaughter of Israelis on October 7 continues to amaze and anger me.  I've always dealt with antisemitism in my lifetime, but I can't remember it ever being this loud and unapologetic.

It's as if October 7 was a signal for them to drop the veneer of decency and let loose all their stored-up Jew-hatred at once. To see this evil in America is disgusting and sad, and to see it from so many so-called "professionals" is even more astonishing. 

I can't even imagine what Holocaust survivors in Israel, the United States, and around the world must be going through, the unending trauma for them. But these vile people don't care.

Here's a good column I saw by Yossi Klein Halevi titled  "Why is Israel being blamed for the Hamas massacre? Erasing the legitimacy of the Israeli narrative fundamentally revives a pernicious antisemitic trope that Jews deserve their fate."

"Blaming Jews for their own suffering is an indispensable part of the history of antisemitism. Whether as the Christ-killers of pre-Holocaust Christianity or as the race-defilers of Nazi Germany, Jews were perceived as deserving their fate. Invariably, those who target Jews believe they are responding to Jewish provocation. 

"Blaming the massacre on the occupation is a fundamental misreading of the goal of Hamas. Hamas is not working for the creation of a Palestinian mini-state on the West Bank and Gaza, but for the destruction of Israel."

When I heard that Hamas was looking to use cynanide in weapons, all I could think of was Zyklon-B, and if there were still such a thing as gas chambers, Hamas would use them to exterminate the Jews and wipe Israel off the map. I have no doubt of that. 

And anyone taking the side of Hamas and showing sympathy for the "Palestinians" are people you can't reason with.

We Jews have to stick together now more than ever.

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