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Saturday, November 01, 2014

Weekend Links

Sometimes you feel as if you're the only person who feels this way -- especially when you're surrounded and outnumbered by liberals. So it's always a relief to come across your own thoughts expressed by a good blogger. Doug Ross wonders how anyone can vote for the Democrats on Tuesday: "My stomach is in knots.  The country is polarized. It has been beaten and molded, frightened and cowed, herded into separate camps by something called the Democrat Party, which is less a political entity than it is an idolatrous religion. The Democrat Party has a single, fanatical goal: the destruction of America."

In a similar vein, Instapundit has this: "IT’S COME TO THIS: Hope and Change gives way to Fear and Loathing."

Here's Daniel Greenfield's Friday Afternoon Roundup - Going Mad.

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