Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Friday, January 15, 2021

"Taking The Virus Less Seriously"

This headline from Axios should infuriate all Americans who are making sacrifices every day and doing their best to defeat COVID-19:  

America is tuning out the coronavirus at the peak of its destruction.

Here's an excerpt from the story by  Sam Baker & Andrew Witherspoon:

"Everywhere you look, day-to-day vigilance is fading.
    You see it up close, as social distancing falls by the wayside, masks dangle on people’s chins, and friends and family let their guard down to socialize indoors.
    Americans are traveling, restaurants are at max capacity, some sports teams have fans in the stands, and some colleges are bringing students back to campus. People were ignoring news coverage of the virus even before new crises pushed it off the front page.
But at the same time Americans are taking the virus less seriously, it is becoming more serious."

How do you possibly take the virus less seriously with all the dangerous new variants, the ambulances circling hospitals for hours in futile searches for beds for their patients, the nearly 400,000 deaths, and this horrendous report from England:

"A large proportion of doctors and nurses have been traumatized by working in intensive care during the coronavirus pandemic in the UK, a new study reveals, with almost half reporting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety or depression, and some feeling they would be better off dead."

The only ones that would be better off dead are these stupid Americans!

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