Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Typhoid Marys in the Nursing Homes

An outrageous statistic from the New York Times that should anger everyone:  "Many nursing home workers in New York State — about 32 percent — have declined to be vaccinated."

"The number of nursing home workers in New York State who have declined the coronavirus vaccine rivals the number who have been inoculated, raising concerns about vaccine hesitancy among those who are in contact with some of the individuals at highest risk of a severe infection"

This is unbelievable, after all the horrific nursing home deaths that have transpired. It's not "vaccine hesitancy", it's vaccine selfishness!  If these ignorant workers continue to decline, they should be fired! Why should these patients continue to be forced to live in a death trap because of these people?

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