Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Please Keep Wearing A Mask!

Via STAT newsletter today,  I read this article from the Annals of Internal Medicine titled Universal Masking in Health Care Settings: A Pandemic Strategy Whose Time Has Come and Gone, For Now.

The authors conclude that "Interactions between humans and pathogens are inherently dynamic and are constantly evolving, and we have achieved major advancements in the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 since the pathogen was initially identified in 2019. In recognition of these achievements, the time has come to deimplement policies that are not appropriate for an endemic pathogen when the expected benefits of such policies are low. Universal masking in health care is a policy whose time has come and gone ... for now."

Maybe it's just me, but if you  have chronic health problems and a weakened immune system, the last thing you want to do is get COVID.  And since COVID is airborne, why shouldn't you wear a mask?  It's no big deal to wear one. It is a big deal if you get sick from not wearing one. And if you are afraid to go to your doctor or to the hospital because you don't want to get sick from unmasked patients and doctors, what's the benefit of that?

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