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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Julia Doubleday on the End of COVID Isolation

I thought the previous CDC Director was bad, but it seems that the current one is even worse.

This is a disaster.

From WEAR News: "After more than three years, the CDC is considering dropping their COVID isolation recommendations, according to a recent report from the Washington Post."

If you're elderly or immunocompromised, the sound you heard was our hearts dropping.

As the reliable Julia Doubleday headlines it at her latest column at The Gauntlet, "One little COVID infection is no reason to miss work, says Biden's very science-believing CDC. Continuing its anti-science, anti-worker guidelines, the CDC considers eliminating isolation recommendations for COVID+ people"

Here's more:

"Now, after years of minimizing propaganda, most of the public feels completely powerless to control the spread of COVID-19. At a time when technology has never been better equipped to take on the challenge of airborne infection control, the public has been pushed into a state of learned helplessness, repeatedly and incorrectly told that “there’s nothing anyone can do.” People with “believe science” signs in their yards admit that COVID is simply “here to stay” and sigh as their children contract their fourth, fifth or sixth infection. It is against this backdrop of total surrender that the CDC has continued to roll back what meager worker protections remained.

"Public consent for reducing and eliminating isolation periods has come at the tail end of a long series of misinformation, designed to push people to accept forever reinfections. If there’s nothing that can be done to control COVID, after all, why should anybody isolate? It’s simply another cup of water in the ocean of virus we all have to swim in now.

"Of course, one would think that the obvious violation of basic worker rights- the rights to safety and health- would motivate the unions and leftist organizers to take action. But they too, have been drowned in a sea of normalizing propaganda, the crux of which is the demonstrably false claim that nothing can be done to reduce or control the spread of COVID. Nothing except vaccinations- which most Americans have failed to keep up with.

"Biden’s CDC no more believes or promotes “the science” than Trump’s before him. COVID is a virus, not a supernatural phenomenon beyond all human understanding. Like all viruses, it can be controlled and reduced with proper infection control protocols. Like all viruses, it can be eliminated from indoor air rapidly with high quality ventilation and filtration. Like all viruses, it cannot infect more hosts when the sick isolate and are paid to stay home from work.

"The CDC’s desire to eliminate isolation is yet one more step toward disappearing the virus from public consciousness, because a government that isn’t fighting COVID-19, isn’t losing to COVID-19. If COVID is everywhere, COVID is nowhere. If the other kids at school all have a permanent cough, maybe my kid’s permanent cough is “normal”. So as hospitals remain overwhelmed, staffing shortages worsen, economies buckle, disability and long-term illness hits new records, kids miss school and workers lose their livelihoods, we’ll continue to do nothing more than turn to each other and wonder why."

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