Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Ignorance is Bliss

I like Dr. Kent Sepkowitz's opinion column at CNN on the best way to beat the Delta variant.  Of course, that best way is vaccination.

He concludes that "Thus far, the death of almost 4 million people worldwide, including 605,000 in the US, has failed to convince a third of the people in the United States to get vaccinated. Despite this, public health authorities continue to tiptoe away from using hard-edge 'scare tactic' messages, even though it is certain that these methods work. In fact, one only need to look at the success of anti-vaccination zealots' fearmongering efforts to see their persuasive power.

Enough already. In our collective interest, I would like to introduce my public service announcement, free of charge, and with apologies to the state of New Hampshire: 'America! Live free (of vaccine) and (maybe) die.'"

I agree with the use of  'scare tactic' messages, but wouldn't you think that having 605,000 Americans die horribly would be enough of a scare tactic message for these stupid  people? Obviously not. The higher the death toll, the lower the resisters' IQ.

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