Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Unvaccinated Are Collaborators

Here are some of the items I've seen recently:

ER Doctor Alex Busko: 'What a senseless, self-inflicted wound'. 

Here's a great analogy, which probably won't sink in:  ‘The difference in getting vaccinated, or not getting vaccinated is ultimately akin to "the difference between having a cold and dying,’ said Wein. ‘If a vaccinated patient gets this, they're most likely going to be just fine, and not going to end up in the hospital. Unfortunately, the unvaccinated person has a really high likelihood that he will end up hospitalized on a ventilator.’

How's this guy for stupid?  'One of the hospital's unvaccinated patients is 64-year-old patient Gerard Considine, who spent nine days intubated after he tested positive for the virus" -- but still won't get vaccinated!  People like this should be given larger bills and the extra money should go to the doctors and nurses who save their lives.

(Maybe reverse psychology would work! Have billboards & TV commercials that say "DON'T get vaccinated!" and show pictures of unvaccinated people in the ICU or in the morgue. That probably wouldn't work either.)


These 2 items are from Newser:

"'The war has changed': That's the CDC's acknowledgment in the presentation; it notes that it will be difficult to get this message across effectively because the public is in danger of losing faith in COVID vaccines after hearing the new data about breakthrough cases."

"Just how contagious is delta? PolitiFact put together a helpful compilation of information on delta, such as the shocking fact that when you look at viral load, the 15 minutes of close contact with an infected person that was said to put one at risk for the alpha variant of COVID is now the equivalent of just one second of exposure to someone infected with delta. In Australia, for example, a person was reportedly infected after a 'fleeting' exposure of passing by an infected person."

The war has changed? Well, if this is a war, then the deliberately unvaccinated are war criminals and collaborating with the enemy!

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