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Sunday, December 17, 2023

John DiLeo On Israel's Fight For Survival

John DiLeo writes that Calls for Ceasefire Show The Left’s Bias.  Here's an excerpt:

"Every few years, a particularly violent set of attacks makes the international news, then Israel responds, and the story fades away.

"But just because our printing presses aren’t running stories about it, that doesn’t mean that the Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians ever let up. A week might go by, or maybe two, and there would be a couple more rockets, another knife attack, a shooting by someone who quickly made it back across the wall into Gaza, to fade out of sight.

"Israelis have lived with this fear, this risk, from time immemorial; what right do we have to ask the Israeli government to continue to accept this insane, lethal status quo?

"Now the bleeding heart voices of the global Left demand that Israel feel sorry for the civilians of Gaza, the people who have voted for Hamas, supported Hamas, cheered Hamas’ terrorist acts in the streets, chanted for genocide against the Israelis.

"Now the bleeding heart voices of the global Left demand a double standard: we should give food and water, power and medicine, to the very people who have been launching lethal attacks on Israel – in violation of all the rules of war, for decades.

"Where were these voices, these compassionate, caring voices, before October 7?

"On October 7, suddenly, Hamas killed 1400 innocents, injured thousands more, took over 200 hostages (half of whom are most certainly dead by now).

"But what about before then? Where were these voices when there was a rocket barrage or other terrorist act every week or two, year after year? Why were they silent when only Israeli civilians were being killed; why did they only start screaming when Israel started fighting back?

"For a moment, we should remember the rules of war. Israel is a legitimate nation, with an army, the Israeli Defense Force, which wears uniforms and follows the rules.

"Hamas is a terrorist organization; they don’t wear uniforms, they don’t follow the rules. They seek out terror targets, and try to kill or maim them: children in a playground, shoppers in a store, commuters in a bus. Hamas – the rulers of Gaza – don’t look like soldiers for a reason: they are not soldiers. They are terrorists, dressed as civilians, just masquerading as civilians.

We are told to show compassion for these 'civilians' of Gaza, when so-called civilians have never shown compassion to us.

"But even more than that, we are told to forget to use reason, to forget that our legitimate targets DO look like civilians. Because that’s what terrorists do; they blend in; they dress and act and look exactly like harmless civilians. There’s a reason, you know, why the rest of the arab world isn’t clamoring to welcome the residents of Gaza as refugees; the rest of the arab world knows just how vicious a large number of this crowd is.

"Israel needs a free hand, to do what needs to do, to end this ongoing threat, once and for all.

"They don’t just need to avenge the killings of October 7. That’s not enough. Israel needs to spare its constituents from a future that looks like their past. The rocket attacks, the knife attacks, the suicide bombers… this all must end.

"Israel has the power to do it, but they are tempted to hold back. We must pray that Israel keeps up the momentum, and removes this threat once and for all."

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