Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Sabotaging Your Own Vaccination Campaign

Why would a Canadian province deliberately sabotage its vaccination efforts?

 Alberta directed removal of COVID, flu references in fall vaccine campaign, documents show

"The Alberta government directed the provincial health authority to remove the words 'influenza' and 'COVID' from advertisements for the province’s fall immunization campaign, and to wait before communicating with the public, as officials worked to launch the annual program amid warnings that cases of respiratory illnesses were rising, internal government documents show.

"Since taking office in October, 2022, [Alberta Premier Danielle Smith] has frequently reiterated her opposition to public health measures, such as vaccine passports, and has vowed to update the Alberta Bill of Rights to protect the unvaccinated. Her government fired and replaced AHS’s board, and is now in the process of dismantling the organization into smaller units.

 "The province’s current vaccination rate against influenza, at 22 per cent, is the lowest in 12 years. The uptake for the latest COVID-19 vaccines in the province is 14.3 per cent – on par with the national average. Public health experts have said these paltry numbers are partly to blame for the fact that Alberta’s hospital wards and emergency department waiting rooms are now overflowing with patients. The Globe and Mail reported last week that some doctors have said the situation is worse than it was during the height of the pandemic."


I hate to say it, but it sounds like they are also describing the current situation here in the United States, doesn't it?

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