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Monday, December 11, 2023

Let's Just Go Back to Wood Stoves & Candlelight!

Here are two unbelievably destructive headlines:

1. U.N. Backs First-Ever Call for an End to Oil, Gas and Coal Use

"U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday they are pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai that will be the beginning of the end for fossil fuels."

2. President Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

Here's what economist Stephen Moore has to say:

"Here is the most sinister part of this story no one in the Biden administration is telling you: Eradicating coal and natural-gas plants will ravage America’s electric-power capacity.

"These regulations will cause rolling blackouts and brownouts across the country, much like we’ve already seen in California — America’s forerunner of radical anti-fossil fuel policies. 

"The lights will go out intermittently, and home heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer will have to be turned off or rationed.

"Without gas and coal plants, hospitals, schools, the internet, construction projects and factories will be routinely shut down when unreliable alternative energy sources like wind and solar power aren’t delivering enough juice.

"Upward of 60% of America’s electric power generation will go away — and soon.

"Coal still provides roughly 20% of our electric power; natural gas supplies around 40%.

"What will make up for this lost power, especially given that our demands on the power grid are only going to multiply over the coming years as the greens want the entire network of cars, trucks and vans to be powered by charging up on the electric grid?

"The Biden administration, in other words, wants to nearly double the demands on the electric grid network at the same time it wants to shut down more than half of the nation’s power generation — and the most reliable sources at that.

"Something must give."

Biden, Kerry, and the rest of these obsessed climate-change alarmists are going to take us back to the Stone Age at this rate!  

Yet another reason we must prevent Joe Biden from getting re-elected and doing further damage to our lives.

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