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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Biden's Anti-Israel Attack of the Day

After 8 last night, I received the following Breaking News email from The Washington Post. The link is behind a paywall here.

"Biden administration says Israel may have violated humanitarian law using U.S. weapons but that conclusive evidence is lacking."

\"The Biden administration said it was "reasonable to assess" that Israel violated international law using U.S. weapons in its military campaign in Gaza but it found that it did not have enough information to draw a conclusion in any specific instances, meaning U.S. military aid could continue to flow to the country" .

What does this even mean, and why say it at all?  Translated, it sounds to me like: "We're spreading a rumor that Israel violated the law using the weapons we unfortunately sent them, but even though there's no proof of it at all, we're saying it anyway as an excuse to both besmirch Israel and to avoid having to send bombs to help them wipe out Hamas, because we need the Muslim vote."

All I know is, I am sick and tired of Biden's constant, despicable treatment of Israel. No good can come of this.

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