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Monday, May 20, 2024

The End of Common Sense

Stop signs replace some Oakland traffic lights to deter copper theft

"Oakland has removed the traffic lights from one intersection and replaced them with 4-way stop signs due to people stealing copper and then tampering with an electrical box.

"It's a sight that has made drivers do a double take: a stop sign hanging overhead where a traffic light would normally be, located above the intersection of E. 12th Street and 16th Avenue in Oakland. 

"Neighbors said city workers removed the all the traffic lights in the last week and replaced them with four-way stop signs. The installation came after months of people stealing copper wires and tampering with the city electrical boxes that supply power to the traffic lights.

"It's just telling us that the city is giving up on us," said Tam Le, owner of Le's Auto Body & Engine Repair, located at the corner of the intersection. 

"Neighbors said the lights that were there before hadn't worked in months, either blinking red or being completely out.


 "If you really want to fix the stop sign, I think you really have to clean up this homeless encampment," said Le.

"The encampment stretches about three blocks on E. 12th street, between 17th and 14th Avenues. The city has made attempts to clear it previously, but it continues to grow larger.

"Many businesses already closed down on E. 12th St. And I don't know how long we're going to be here. Because once they move to our side of the sidewalk, we will be gone," said Le. 

"They city said the stop signs are temporary, but they currently have no timeline on when they can put the traffic lights back up".


And evidently they have no timeline when they will move this "homeless encampment" out of the area to make life safer and easier for law-abiding residents!

Instead of using hotels as illegal alien shelters, why not use those buildings for these homeless, drug-using criminals instead? 

Meanwhile, I wonder how many pedestrians and drivers will be killed or injured in accidents at this intersection now. 

But who cares? Just as long as the "homeless" aren't inconvenienced.

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