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Monday, May 27, 2024

Spoiled, Coddled Jew-Haters

Seattle museum shut down by staffers who walk off job to protest exhibit on antisemitic hatred

"Nearly 30 Seattle museum staffers have shut down the art center in protest of its new 'Confronting Hate Together' exhibit, claiming portions of the show 'conflate anti-Zionism as antisemitism.'

"The workers, who form about half of the staff at the Wing Luke Museum, stormed off the job Wednesday, the day the exhibit opened, forcing the site to close and vowing to remain on strike until their demands are met.

'Zionism has no place in our communities and being anti-Zionist goes hand in hand with our own liberation as AA/NHPI,' wrote the disgruntled staffers, who work at the only pan-Asian art and history museum in the United States. 'Our solidarity with Palestine should be reflected in our AA/NHPI institutions.'"


Anti-Jewish hatred has no place in our communities, you brainless idiots!  Anti-Zionism IS anti-semitism. These Hamas-collaborators ought to be fired at once to send a loud & clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated. I'm tired of there being no consequences for evil.

And how ironic that the exhibit they "stormed off" over is called 'Confronting Hate Together'.  Because of these lowlives, it should be retitled "Creating Hate Together".  I never  heard of AA/NHPI, but it probably stands for Anti-American/Nazis Hating People of Israel!

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