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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Validating Evil

How do you have the gall to recognize a 'Palestinian' state when there's no such thing as Palestine, and there's no such thing as a Palestinian state?  These three countries are recognizing a terrorist state that exists thanks to Hamas.  

‘Reward for terror’: PM condemns move by 3 countries to recognize Palestinian state; Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich calls to punish Palestinian Authority by withholding transfer of tax funds, drawing reprimand from senior White House aide

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Spain, Ireland, and Norway’s plans to recognize a Palestinian state are akin to handing out “a reward for terrorism.”

“Eighty percent of the Palestinians in [the West Bank] support the terrible massacre of October 7,” he said in a video statement, citing a poll from shortly after the terror onslaught.

 “This evil must not be given a country. It will be a terror state. It will try to repeat the October 7 massacre, and we will not agree to that,” he said. “A reward for terrorism will not bring peace, and it will not stop us from defeating Hamas either.”

"Condemnation for the European nations’ decision also came from far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who called on Netanyahu to respond by imposing harsh punitive measures against the Palestinian Authority, including cutting off Ramallah financially.

“At the last cabinet meeting, many ministers, including myself, raised an unequivocal demand for harsh punitive measures against the Palestinian Authority for its unilateral actions against Israel, including its pursuit of unilateral recognition,” Smotrich wrote to Netanyahu in a letter.

 "While the US rejected the decision by Ireland, Norway, and Spain, saying that any two-state solution must come about through negotiations, a senior White House official criticized Smotrich’s intentions."


Of course! The United States is very good at criticizing Israel.

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