Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden's COVID "Accomplishments"

I am not a socialist, but I do agree with some of the sentiments expressed in this article on the World Socialist Web Site. Here's an excerpt:

The latest wave of COVID-19 and Biden’s destruction of public health

"The CDC and the Biden administration have issued no public statements on the latest surge of the pandemic, which has also received scant coverage in the corporate media. Not a single public health official or politician has encouraged Americans to wear high quality N95 masks to protect themselves, covering up the fact that these masks prevent viral transmission.

"The most prominent victim of the latest COVID-19 wave in the US is Joe Biden himself, who tested positive on July 17. This was Biden’s third COVID-19 infection, after having tested positive and then suffering a case of “rebound” in July-August 2022.

"Only four days after testing positive, Biden issued public letters announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential elections and endorsing Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate. Among a series of delusional claims about his presidency, he absurdly wrote from his isolation quarters in Rehoboth Beach, “Together, we overcame a once-in-a-century pandemic.”

"While the media has ignored the role of Biden’s latest infection in his withdrawal, it was clearly a major precipitating factor. Despite universal calls for him to withdraw after his disastrous debate performance, for weeks Biden refused to do so, telling George Stephanopoulos that only “the Lord Almighty” could convince him. Evidently, divine intervention came in the form of a reinfection with COVID-19.

"In all likelihood, Biden’s 2022 infections accelerated his mental decline, which was already apparent during the 2020 elections but has steadily worsened. Throughout the pandemic, numerous studies have found that even mild COVID-19 infections can cause or hasten neurological degeneration, with prominent neuroscientist Dr. Leslie M. Kay warning of “a wave of post-COVID dementia in the coming decades.” A recent such study, published in February 2024, reaffirmed that COVID-19 can cause “pronounced cognitive slowing.”

"In the aftermath of Biden’s withdrawal from his 2024 reelection campaign, the Democratic Party-aligned corporate media has issued gushing hosannas for the supposedly “historic” accomplishments of his administration. Perhaps the most fraudulent was an Op-Ed published Thursday in the Washington Post by columnist Leana Wen, titled, “Thank you, President Biden, for leading us through the pandemic.”

"Biden’s real legacy will be that he oversaw the COVID deaths of over 800,000 Americans, while millions more suffered debilitating Long COVID, for which the long-term generational impacts of annual reinfections will not be fully grasped for years or decades to come."


Yes, let's all keep pretending that COVID is over, that all COVID infections are "mild", and that precautions are not necessary.  And by all means continue to ignore the role of the Trump Administration, which unveiled Operation Warp Speed, without which we could not have so quickly started vaccinating the public against COVID! I can still remember the tremendous relief from fear that I felt when I was able to get my father vaccinated in January 2021.

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