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Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump & The Best Republican Convention Yet

What a great convention!  I have never watched that much convention coverage before, and it was worth it.

Some people are complaining that Trumps speech was too long. Well, I say that a man who cheats death and has the strength to stand up in one spot for nearly 2 hours has earned the right to talk as long as he likes.  He always gives long speeches -- but how many times in your life do you accept the nomination for President?

Even Doug Schoen said "Trump did something he's never done before with RNC speech. Now, the election may already be over.  I may be a Democrat, but I'm also a clear-eyed political analyst. Donald Trump clearly rose to the occasion with his RNC speech."

On the other hand, Some Democrats are dabbling in conspiracy theories after the attempted assassination of Trump.  That's so ridiculous, it's laughable. It would mean Trump met with the shooter to time the shot perfectly, so that he would know when to duck under the podium and smear blood on his ear and face. Yeah, right.  

In case these conspiracists haven't noticed, Trump doesn't need to cheat to win.  Biden has gone downhill fast since the debate that forced deniers to admit that Biden no longer has the wherewithal to be President. That's why Trump held his tongue for so long. Silence is golden when your opponent is sabotaging himself. 

What nobody seems to be talking about is the fact that Trump will probably suffer from PTSD after his ordeal. The shots; the near miss; instinctively ducking under the podium; having Secret Service agents all jump on top of you; being hustled off stage -- it was horrific and unexpected. And knowing that an innocent rallygoer was killed with one of the shots meant for him must be affecting him greatly. 

So let Trump talk. Do your own talking at the polls in November, and cast your vote for Donald Trump!

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