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Friday, July 05, 2024

The Laurel & Hardy White House: That's Another Fine Mess Dems Have Gotten Us Into

Beege Welborn has a typically Beege-ish column at HotAir about Biden's debate debacle and the ensuing Democratic panicky reaction:

Welp...A Few Uncharitable Thoughts From Me About POTATUS Being Publicly Peeled

Here's my favorite part:

"You know what else is really sticking in my craw?

"There is so much speculation about "Does he stay or does he go?"

"If he goes - drops out of the campaign, says he'll sit out - he can't be incapable of running for reelection but capable of running the country. 

"If Biden pulls out, he and his gang of sporty thieves are GONE NOW. He has to resign as president.

"Who and what does that leave us?


"Oh, dear God.

"That the first woman president of the United States should be THAT BRAYING, NASAL TONED, VACUOUS CREATURE is so utterly and horribly appalling as to be unthinkable. Honest to God - how could she be any better than the vegetable we have now?

"The whole affair makes me ill - so ill. And so damned angry I want to spit."


That goes for me, too.  I don't want a DEI President or Vice President. I never even wanted this Vice President, and I still don't even know what her accomplishments are -- if any. WE didn't vote for them, so why should we suffer for 4 more years?

If somehow we end up with her as President, I can't even imagine what America is going to look like, but I know our enemies will be ready to take full advantage of our weakness.

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