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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Evil on Display

What kinds of evil minds are these? This is a synagogue, a place of worship. a holy site, a place to respect.

Obviously, these terrorists have never been taught the difference between right and wrong, and they must assume that this sort of thing is perfectly okay.  And when no arrests are ever made, they become even more brazen. Where will they show up next, at a Jewish funeral? At the Holocaust Museum?

Calls for ‘intifada,’ terror flags raised at NY synagogue

Protesters wave Hamas, Hezbollah flags, demand ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel at synagogue in Queens.

By World Israel News Staff

"A mob of anti-Israel protesters raised the flags of the Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups and chanted “long live the intifada” in front of a New York City synagogue on Sunday.

"Social media footage from the event showed hundreds of anti-Israel protesters blocking the sidewalk and street near Congregation Charm Circle, in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens.

"The demonstration’s organizers, the Palestinian Assembly for Liberation New York and New Jersey (PAL-Awda), claimed that the house of worship was a legitimate target because it had reportedly agreed to host an event about real estate in Israel.

“It is our duty to ensure that anyone orchestrating or participating in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine does not rest and that the rage of the people is made clear,” said PAL-Awda in a statement on their X account. “The time for Zionist impunity is over.

"Notably, the event was held elsewhere, yet the protesters still physically intimidated and screamed obscenities at religious Jews attempting to enter the synagogue, as well as Jewish passerby.

“The event changed venues but the protesters didn’t care, harassing Jews for the crime of going to pray,” New York State Assemblymember Sam Berger, who represents Kew Garden Hills, wrote on social media platform X.

"Demonstrators chanted “long live the intifada,” “there is only one solution: intifada revolution,” and other chants promoting the murder of Jews.

"The crowd also chanted other phrases calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel, including “from the water to the water, Palestine will be Arab” and “we don’t want two states, we want ‘48,” a reference to pre-1948 Israel.

"Despite the NYPD being called to the scene and anti-Israel demonstrators physically attacking counter-protesters, no arrests were made.

"In an Instagram story crowing about the success of the demonstration, PAL-Awda bragged that their demonstrators had outnumbered Zionist counter-protesters “in their own neighborhood.”


Just imagine if we Jews were to show up at a church, scream at worshippers,  and carry offensive signs. But we were raised the right way, whereas these Jew-haters weren't. And it's not going to stop any time soon.

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