Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Thursday, July 11, 2024

COVID Mask-Wearers, Unite!

Over the years, it has always been a relief to hear about people who, like me, are COVID-cautious, immunocompromised, and who care about the other people around them.

For the COVID-conscious, Violet Affleck’s mask-wearing has made her a hero; Even before the daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner urged LA County officials to resist mask bans Tuesday night, she had garnered fans on social media for ‘being one of the last face-mask-wearers in Hollywood’

She had contracted a post-viral condition in 2019 and has been seen wearing a mask for years.

Of course, it helps if you're a child of famous parents, but for her to speak out so courageously at a young age in the face of nationwide contempt for protective face masks is pretty inspirational and vindicating to those of us who have worn a mask all this time and who don't care about peer pressure. The publicity can only help.

All we care about is protecting ourselves from COVID, which is still very much with us today, and it helps to have the Violet Afflecks speak for us.

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