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Monday, June 24, 2024

Anti-Jewish Attacks Led by Terrorists, Not "Protesters"

There were a few outrageous news items over the weekend that made my blood boil. As usual, any attack on Jews leads immediately to a link with "Islamophobia". And to refer to terrorist animals who attack Jews as mere "protesters" is downplaying and normalizing Jew-hatred.  

What next in 2024 America? Pogroms? Yellow stars? Jewish ghettos?

Jews Fight Back Against Antisemitic Mob Attacking Jewish LA Store

“Dozens of Jewish Americans rush to protect a Jewish store in Pico-Robertson in LA after an antisemitic mob began attacking Jews outside,” Oli London tweeted on Sunday.

"The Beverly Hills Bagel Co. at 8947 West Pico in LA, is owned by Mendel Goldman, who “brought his 35 years of experience in the restaurant and catering company to create the first bagel shop offering New York style mezonot bagels, now allowing the Los Angeles community to quickly grab their bagel sandwiches with ease.”

"Mike Netter tweeted: In just a single weekend, this weekend, in Los Angeles alone, a synagogue was blocked (Pro-Hamas Rioters Clash with Jews at LA’s Adas Torah Synagogue), Jews physically restrained from entering it, and an antisemitic mob began attacking Jews outside a Jewish store in the Pico-Robertson district of town.

“This is not about a relatively minor conflict happening halfway around the world,” Netter continued. “These people have nothing to do with that. This is about normalizing racist attacks against one particular race. What is most surprising is the deafening silence coming from everywhere. Be honest, if this were happening to black people, would you be speaking up right about now?”


I've always said the same thing. You know that if this had happened to blacks, there'd be riots in the streets, worldwide condemnation, and an immediate TV speech by Biden in response.


From Honest Reporting: Media ‘Both Sides’ Anti-Israel Mob Attack on Los Angeles Synagogue
The footage is as clear as day: a mob of anti-Israel protesters, some with keffiyehs and black masks wrapped around their faces, assaulting visibly observant Jews and clashing with riot police. 

"The footage is as clear as day: a mob of anti-Israel protesters, some with keffiyehs and black masks wrapped around their faces, assaulting visibly observant Jews and clashing with riot police.

"In one clip posted on the social media site X (formerly known as Twitter), a visibly observant Jew is attacked, and in another, several men in skullcaps try to pull one of the rioters away from an ultra-Orthodox man.

"A journalist on the scene described Jews being sprayed with pepper spray, and another recounted seeing “Jews being pushed down and beaten bloody in the street.”

"Armed with sticks and waving PLO flags, the group massed outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles for their anti-Israel rally on Sunday.

"Reports suggest the location was chosen because it was hosting an Israeli real estate fair. But it’s clear most of the mob was there because it was a synagogue—evident when the keffiyeh-clad crew linked arms around the building to prevent synagogue attendees from entering.

"California Governor Gavin Newsom condemned the disturbing scenes. “The violent clashes outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles are appalling. There is no excuse for targeting a house of worship,” he posted on X, adding: “Such antisemitic hatred has no place in California.”

"California Congressman Ted Lieu also commented, describing the incident as antisemitic and calling for the prosecution of those who targeted the synagogue.

"Yet, for reasons unknown, much of the media was quick to “both sides” the attack, characterizing the incident as anything but exactly what it was: an antisemitic attack by a baying anti-Israel mob.

"The Los Angeles Times, for example, described what occurred as a “violent clash” in a headline that reported the presence of one protester carrying a “spiked flag,” while CNN said “violent scuffles” had erupted without stating which group was responsible for the violence.

"CBS News had the gall to claim that the counterprotesters, who had assembled to protect the synagogue and its congregants from the attack, were taking part in the “dueling protests.”

"The same report also attempted to imply the antisemitic rioters were the victims in the incident, with a CBS journalist saying that one side was simply “demanding a ceasefire and decrying Israeli policies towards Palestinians as pro-Israel groups countered them verbally and physically.”

"The facts are these: Jews were attacked at a synagogue. They were attacked by antisemitic thugs because they are Jews. This wasn’t about Israel, and it wasn’t about the Palestinians

"There are no two sides to this story. Shame on the media for pretending there is. "


Great article. And it proves once again that every crime against the Jewish people is excused and shrugged off, because antisemitism isn't politically incorrect enough.

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