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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Joshua Namm on Israel

I agree with Joshua Namm in his latest column Is Israel Losing The War?

Here are some excerpts. The bold font is mine.

"That is a headline I never thought that I’d be typing. But, as I sit here, more than seven months after the worst attack on our people since the Shoah (Holocaust), anyone objective has to wonder what is really going on in this war.

"I have asked a similar question on social media several times over the last few months, and am always met one of two opinions:  “Israel is taking this long to finish off Hamas because it is being strategic” and “It can’t do what it needs to do because the United States won’t let it.”

"In my wildest imagination, I never would have thought that after the crimes of October 7, which occurred on Simchat Torah, Hamas would still survive, not just past Chanukah, not past Pesach, but would still exist heading into Shavuot. We are closer to the next Simchat Torah than the previous one.

"I may be alone, but I find that unconscionable.

"I also want the safe return home of the hostages to be the highest priority.

"I have to ask how the most powerful military in the Middle East can’t defeat a much smaller force of terrorists, a group who maniacally follows an ideology that would have seemed antique in the Dark Ages. The answer is not in strategy, or even dependence on the United States.

"My opinion is that after this war, Israel needs to divorce itself from any reliance on the U.S. Forgive my language, but they should tell America to shove it, particularly after the way it has behaved over the last several months. Israel is a sovereign nation but treated by most American administrations not as an equal, but as a vassal state, tolerated more than respected. What I see is that the current administration is just as dismissive of Jews, and Jewish lives, as was the Roosevelt administration during the Holocaust.

"America needs Israel more than Israel needs America. It needs to grow up, stand on its own, and force America to come to that reckoning on its own.

"Meanwhile, apparently out of concern for the people of Gaza, who STILL overwhelmingly support Hamas, the government of Israel has continually and unnecessarily placed IDF lives at risk, and done next to nothing to allow the tens of thousands of displaced Israelis in the north and south to return to their homes. All while more than 12,000 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza, Judea/Samaria, and Lebanon, Iran launched the largest missile volley in history, over 750 soldiers have died, over 3,000 wounded, and most shockingly, 806 Israeli civilians have been killed, all AFTER 10/7.

"In the diaspora, the war has been an excuse for the largest outpouring of antisemitism since World War 2. Jews are under attack across the globe. College campuses, especially in the United States, have become “safe spaces” to attack Jews with impunity, openly call for genocide, and propagandize to the rest of the world.

"If Israel had ended the war months ago, which it was fully capable of doing, some of this would definitely still be happening, but not with the momentum it has now. NO MATTER WHAT Israel would have falsely, and perversely, been accused of “genocide,” just as it has falsely, and ridiculously, been accused of “apartheid” for the last three decades. But, the pro-jihadist media would not have been able to beat the anti-Israel drum for as long, and as effectively, as it has.

"Israel did not turn Gaza into rubble when the wind of public opinion, fueled by the shock of 10/7, would have lessened the propaganda hit, because the government cared more about world opinion, particularly that of the United States, than it did about carrying out its MOST important mission, which is to protect Jewish lives. At all costs."


It's been infuriating to see Israel kowtow to Biden despite the constant criticism, threats, blackmail, deceit, withholding of arms from this administration.  If this is Israel's "ally", I'll eat my hat. And I agree about how the fear of hurting the "Palestinians" in Gaza seems to be Israel's main concern rather than the hostages, and the Israeli people. Someone should remind Israel that Hamas and the Palestinians and the enemy and don't deserve this consideration.

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