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Sunday, June 09, 2024

Hamas-Supporting Jew-Haters at the White House

Look at this picture. This is not the Middle East.  I never thought I'd see a scene as despicable as this one.  Hamas sympathizers and appeasers, and Jew haters, have taken off the mask in front of that symbol of America -- the White House -- to show their loathing for both America, for Israel, and for the Jewish people. There's no longer any pretense. And they continue to get away with it while Israel is demonized every day.

They're calling for an intifada. They're calling for Jihad. They're calling for the deaths of "Zionists".  

Check out the coverage and the photographs at Breitbart, at the Daily Mail, and at National Review, to name just a few websites, then tell me again that this is just another "peaceful protest". 

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