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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Associate Communications Director of Antisemitism

Here's the Antisemite of the Week from Stop Antisemitism: Tyler Cherry, just promoted by the Biden Administration to the post of Associate Communications Director. It's perfect for him, as he has already communicated some antisemitic remarks.

Who hires these people? Is being an antisemite or a Pro-Hamas supporter now part of the DEI program?

"Tyler Cherry, former Press Secretary in the U.S. Department of the Interior, was recently promoted to the White House’s Associate Communications Director by the Biden Administration. Cherry’s promotion has sparked significant controversy due to resurfaced tweets revealing staunch antisemitic views, raising serious concerns about his suitability for such a prominent and sensitive role.

"During 2014’s “Operating Protective Edge”, Tyler Cherry posted a now-deleted series of posts on X that perpetuated antisemitic ideologies, undue hostility, and libelous conspiracies towards Israel, such as: 

  • On July 26, 2014: “Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine – no shame and f— your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine.”
  • On July 31, 2014: “No words can come close to the ever-increasing disappointment of the US’s omnipotence and complicity in this massacre #FreePalestine.”
  • On August 1, 2014: in response to reports by UN Ambassador Power that UNWRA employees were killed during the conflict between Hamas and Israel, he tweeted “…and yet [The United States] continues to let Israeli forces restock their arsenals with US ammunition and weapons…”. 

"Adding fuel to the fire, Tyler Cherry has the audacity in 2017 to promote known antisemite Linda Sarsour, posting “The right can’t STAND to see a fierce Muslim woman at the helm of the resistance and thus have to make sh*t up to smear her #IMarchWithLinda.”

"Despite Cherry’s history of antisemitic viewpoints, the White House still chose to promote him to the position of Associate Communications Director.

"When StopAntisemitism pressured the Biden Administration to reverse their decision and dismiss Cherry, the White House shockingly responded with a statement expressing their “pride” in having Cherry on their team.  StopAntisemitism continues to call on the White House and demand they reverse course on Tyler Cherry’s promotion."

We need YOUR help – EMAIL White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt to express your outrage over Cherry’s promotion."


This is yet another reason to not reelect Joe Biden this November.

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