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Monday, June 03, 2024

Hamas and America Demand...

Here's the obscene headline from my Virtual Jerusalem e-newsletter: Hamas demands US compel Israeli defeat.  I have news for Hamas: they don't have to "compel" the US -- Biden's been encouraging Israel's defeat this entire time!

From the website: Hamas Demands US Guarantees as Bibi Faces Coalition Crisis

"Hamas, for its part, has responded with demands that any ceasefire must include a commitment from Israel to end the war and a guarantee from the United States to enforce this agreement. 'We need solid assurances that this war will not resume,' a senior Hamas official stated. 'Without a firm commitment from Israel and guarantees from the U.S., any ceasefire deal is meaningless.'"

The correct reply from both Israel and the US should be, "Drop dead!"

It's grotesque enough that barbarian rapist-murderers like Hamas are making any demands at all, but it's even worse that they have read Biden & Blinken correctly.

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