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Wednesday, August 07, 2024


This article is from Virtual Jerusalem:

Leaderless US Signals Appeasement

Addled Biden, ridiculous Harris embolden Iran, restraining Israel and risking further Middle East instability.

"The current state of US foreign policy under cognitively challenged President Joe Biden’s regime paints a troubling picture of disarray and appeasement, particularly in the context of escalating Middle Eastern tensions. Recent events highlight a pattern of indecision and inaction that could have severe implications for regional stability and the security of US allies, especially Israel.

"Despite escalating provocations and genocidal threats from Iran, the Biden administration appears committed to a strategy of restraint and diplomacy, even as this approach continues to yield little to no tangible results. Iran-backed Houthi rebels resumed missile attacks, targeting a container ship in the Gulf of Aden. Iranian-supported Hezbollah continues to pound northern Israel with drone and tocket attacks.

"In response, the US has deployed additional naval assets to the region, framing this move as a “defensive measure” aimed at de-escalating tensions. However, this deployment seems more symbolic than substantive, even a phony security blanket to deter Israeli action. The US administration’s rhetoric emphasizes de-escalation and restraint, even as Iran openly vows revenge for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, an act blamed on Israel. Even as Iran threatens to wipe Israel off the back, the message of the Biden regime to Israel is “Don’t push it.”

"President Biden’s reluctance to confront Iran more forcefully was starkly evident when Iranian-backed militants attacked a US base in Iraq, resulting in American casualties. The lack of a decisive US response to this aggression has raised serious concerns about the administration’s commitment to protecting its personnel and interests abroad. Reports leaked from a recent call between Netanyahu and Biden had the American figurehead reportedly telling the Israeli leader to “stop bullshitting” and warning not to take US support for granted.

"Moreover, the Biden administration’s overtures to Iran, including discussions about lifting sanctions and resuming nuclear negotiations, signal a willingness to appease Tehran at the expense of Israel’s security. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s recent speech implicitly supporting renewed negotiations with the West further complicates this picture, suggesting that Iran might exploit these talks to its advantage without making substantial concessions.

"The Israeli government, meanwhile, faces increasing pressure as it prepares for potential Iranian retaliation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration is considering preemptive measures to defend against expected multi-front attacks orchestrated by Iran and its proxies. Despite these preparations, the US appears more focused on restraining Israel than on addressing the root cause of the tensions—Iran’s aggressive actions and regional ambitions.

"This scenario is exacerbated by the mixed signals sent by the US. While deploying military assets might create an illusion of support and security, the lack of concrete action and the emphasis on de-escalation undermine these efforts. The G7’s recent call for restraint and constructive engagement, though well-intentioned, fails to address the immediate threats posed by Iran and its allies.

"In essence, the Biden administration’s current foreign policy approach in the Middle East could be characterized as leaderless and appeasement-driven. By prioritizing diplomatic overtures and restraint over decisive action, the US risks emboldening Iran and jeopardizing the security of its allies, particularly Israel. As the situation evolves, it remains crucial for the US to demonstrate a more resolute and coherent strategy that addresses the complexities of the region and supports its allies in meaningful ways." 


This traitorous administration always acts as if Iran were the ally and Israel were the enemy!  This has been going on too long. Israel cannot trust the U.S. or count on us for the unconditional support she needs.

And if Harris-Walz actually wins, heaven help Israel and America.

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