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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Democrats: The Party of Terrorist Sympathizers & Appeasers


Biden Bids DNC Adieu, Equates Killed Innocents in Gaza and Israel

"President Joe Biden in his farewell speech Monday night at the Chicago Democratic convention described former President Donald Trump as a menace to democracy and cited, among other examples, Trump’s unfortunate reference to the clashes between Unite the Right neo-Nazis and counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying there were very fine people on both sides. And then Biden himself stated:

Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.”

"If you ignore the fact that one side, Hamas, invaded the other side’s homes, raped, mutilated, burned, and murdered civilians, with the support of thousands of bloodthirsty civilians that followed the attackers from Gaza and did their own robbing, raping, and murdering, until at some point the victims’ army managed to launch its own attack, then, yes, “a lot of innocent civilians are being killed on both sides.”

"If there are innocent civilians among Gaza’s Arabs, they are being killed because a murderous terror organization is using them as human shields in hospitals, schools, mosques – wherever Gazan innocents can be rounded up to protect the terrorists with their bodies.

"History will judge which of the two presidents sacrificed more of his dignity to appease his more dangerous voters: Trump for embracing the “good” Nazis, or Biden for doing the same with pro-Hamas protesters. In both cases, the crazed mobs being cuddled are voraciously antisemitic."


This is what Trump actually said, per a fact check at USA Today:

"Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

"After further questioning from the reporter, and responses from Trump about people who were at the Charlottesville rally to support keeping the Lee statue, the president said, "You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."

I myself hated how all the Confederate statues and works of art were removed. I'm a neither a white nationalist, Nazi, or antisemite.  I'm a history-lover who appreciates art and sculptures. And with Trump, the media tries to make his words sound worse than they are, while with Biden, the media will gaslight, censor, and explain everything away -- even his dementia.

Biden was talking about Gaza. And "those innocent people" would not have been killed if THEY hadn't participated in the October 7 atrocities in the first place!  There's a huge difference between protesting the removal of statues, and protesting against the country of Israel and the Jewish people!

By the way, the IDF located the bodies of 6 hostages taken by HamasNo American pressure tactics, no ceasefire, no negotiating with murderers, no appeasement, no Blinken, no Biden, and no Harris. Israel needs to finish the job and eradicate Hamas once and for all, otherwise we will have another October 7, and another, and another...

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