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Monday, August 05, 2024

What Trump Needs To Do

I realize Donald Trump is still bitter over the results of the 2020 Presidential election, with good reason. And the constant attacks over the years haven't helped him and have undoubtedly made life extremely stressful him. In addition, surviving an assassination attempt has probably left him with PTSD. And he has a tendency to talk too much and get in trouble for it.

But now he has to concentrate more than ever on winning this election, otherwise we'll be saddled with the undistinguished, incompetent Kamala Harris who will continue Joe Biden's reckless policies.

And so, this is what Trump must do, starting now:

1. Stop talking about, and insulting, Harris. Better off not even mentioning her name.

2. Stop talking about, and insulting, Brian Kemp, Stacy Abrams, and everyone else who was associated with the 2020 election loss.

3, Instead of rehashing 2020, talk about your many successes when you were President, and talk about the successes to come.

4. Hammer home your policies as President and the good results: things like the tax cuts; low inflation; cutting through all the ridiculous regulations in order to make life easier; "drill, baby, drill; tough on crime; tough on our enemies; closing the border; being a friend and ally to Israel.

5. Don't debate Harris. You don't need to, as you already successfully debated Biden, and his policies are hers. The media will only spin a Trump-Harris debate negatively: big white aggressive man vs small black victim woman. Besides, I think everyone with brains already knows who they are voting for.

6. Stay on message and don't go off on tangents in your speeches.  Read from the script and show the charts. And don't talk for over an hour. Even your supporters get restless sometimes.

Let's fight, but let's do it right!

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