Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Dems Need Their Heads Examined (At Your Expense, Of Course!)

Read this column by Charles C. Cooke that includes these important and scary facts:

"So the Sanders 'Plan' is going to save money. And all we need to do to get to that happy state of affairs is:
  • Force every doctor and hospital in America to accept Medicare reimbursement rates for all patients — these are 40 percent lower than the rates paid by private insurance — while assuming that this would have absolutely no effect on their capacity or willingness to provide services
  • Raise taxes by 10 percent of GDP — overnight
  • Explain to the 150 million people with private insurance that the rules have been changed so dramatically that (a) they can no longer keep their plans, and (b) henceforth, tens of millions among them will be paying more in taxes than they were previously paying in both premiums and out-of-pocket costs 

A Few Good Links

Want some more good links? Then visit Let's Review #107 at the always interesting American Digest!

Also enjoyable is Live Blog at PJ Media.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Good Friday Links

Read Jim Swift's Afternoon Links at the Weekly Standard. I particularly liked the link to these photos of Famous Landmarks, Before They Were Finished.

If that's not enough, try the Live Blog at Pajamas Media.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Lots 'o Links

It's time again to read the best of the web at Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, and Betsy's Page!

Also, check out the Thursday Links by Debby Witt at The Corner.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Don't Fumph - or Even Fumfeh!

This edition of Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl contains a particular favorite of mine, although I've always spelled it differently.

He has it as fumfeh, meaning to mumble. We grew up pronouncing it as fumph, as in "stop fumphing"!

Lots 'o Links

Get ready for the weekend with these posts at Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, and Larwyn''s Linx!

The above cartoon by A.F.Branco was seen at Liberty Unyielding today.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Anti-Trump McCarthyism

This is just outrageous: "A cafe in California was protested by an anti-Trump group and had its membership from the local Chamber of Commerce revoked because its owner supports President Trump.
Asher Shalom, the owner of Asher Caffé & Lounge, said on 'Fox & Friends' Thursday that leftists in his community of Boyle Heights have taken exception to his support for Trump's immigration policies.
Shalom told Brian Kilmeade that as a legal immigrant who came to America 30 years ago, he takes issue with those coming to the country illegally.
He said that the majority of his 70 employees are immigrants."

What will these anarchists do next, shut businesses down completely?

And do I detect a little antisemitism here? Every Jew in Boyle Heights and surrounding communities should patronize the Asher Caffé & Lounge if they don't already do so!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Antisemitism Headline of the Week

PLO: Opposing our Murder of Jews is Racist. 

As Daniel Greenfield comments, "I'm unclear on which humanitarian laws protect the right to stab Rabbis in synagogues, slash pregnant women or fire anti-tank missiles at school buses."

Monday, July 16, 2018

Need Something to Read?

Check out the stuff at Debby Witt's Monday Links, found at National Review's The Corner. 

Visit Mental Floss, which always has interesting and educational articles.  Today you can read about Stolpersteine, "the most startling memorial to victims of the Holocaust", learn some household chore hacks, and discover the 1925 cave rescue that captivated the nation

Trump or Chump

I'm afraid the Washington Post is right when it says, "When the history of Donald Trump’s presidency is ultimately written, July 16, 2018, will have a special entry. On a day when the setting called for a show of strength and resolve from an American president, Trump instead offered deference, defensiveness, equivocation and weakness."

You know it's bad when even his supporters are criticizing him.

We really could have used some political savvy today.

Also, can't his advisors please insist he stop tweeting and also stop talking about Robert Mueller and Hillary Clinton, especially when he's in a foreign country? Let's not give the Dems more ammunition.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lots o' Links

There's tons of reading to do today, thanks to Larwyn's Linx, Betsy's Page, and Maggie's Farm!

Bonus: check out Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing, as well as Jim Swift's afternoon links at the Weekly Standard.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Miraculous Rescue

The rescue of all the boys and their soccer coach from the cave in Thailand has to be the most uplifting story of the week. It's really miraculous, and the Seals and that coach all deserve medals and other rewards. But let's hope nothing like this happens again any time soon!

Supreme Court Mad Libs

Remember the game Mad Libs. where you'd fill in the blanks with adjectives and nouns, resulting in an unintentionally funny story? The Democrats, who are very mad libs, have just done this with all the Trump candidates for the Supreme Court.  I got a kick out of this column titled Top Six Unhinged Reactions to Kavanaugh Nomination. Make sure you look at the amusing reader comments as well.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Borkification Time

I feel very sorry for whoever Trump chooses to be his Supreme Court nominee. He has every right to make his own choice, but the rabid Democrats are already foaming at the mouth and attacking.  The Dems keep looking more extreme by the day, and I hope all this hysteria only ends up backfiring on them.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Work Ethic Shortage

Here's a headline that should but won't put young people to shame:   A record number of folks age 85 and older are working. Here's what they're doing.  They weren't called "the greatest generation" for nothing.

The article also mentions that "workers age 30 and younger are staying on the sidelines at rates not seen since the 1960s and '70s." And yet you keep hearing about a labor shortage! How about kicking these people off welfare and disability, so that they'll quickly have no choice but to fill that shortage.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Lots 'o Links

Here are today's news and culture roundups from Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, Betsy's Page, and Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing.

Also, those rational protesters want to abolish ICE. What next, dismantling our armed forces, our police, and our justice system? I'm sure they'd love that.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Definitely Not The Democrats You Grew Up With

From Roger Simon: "All of us have moments of self-sabotage, but what we are witnessing with the Democratic Party now is a massive expression of this, approaching self-destruction.  Trump hatred has released something far deeper than anger at one person. The rage is projected outward at a supposedly unjust country, but also equally at themselves, mocking or inverting everything they previously stood for.  The party, as Eddie Scarry writes in the Washington Examiner, is in deep crisis. Who knows what will come out the other end or if it will?"

The people have got to come out and vote Republican if we're going to prevent these pseudo-Democrats from destroying our country and destroying the Democrat party.