Boaz Bismuth at Israel Hayom, on the Trump Administration's peace plan: "The past 36 hours were perhaps the best Israel has known since the first day
of the Six-Day War. Could any of us have imagined three or five years ago, or
15 years ago, what Netanyahu has managed to obtain? Of course not. These are
conditions that up until recently were considered an unattainable fantasy. They
cemented Netanyahu's legacy: securing Israel's future and standing in the
international arena.
Netanyahu worked toward this objective, but this tremendous achievement
isn't his alone; it belongs to all of Israel, which is why Benny Gantz was also
invited to the White House. This peace plan is here to stay, for future
governments as well."
Let's just hope that (1) nobody in the current administration has a change of heart and tries to weaken the plan; and (2) the Democrats don't win the White House and attempt to undo it all.
Friday, January 31, 2020
The Courage of Halina Strnad
At The Times of Israel, Nazi-hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff writes, "I think that it’s quite certain that while she was incarcerated in the Stutthof concentration camp near Gdansk, suffering from typhus, Halina Strnad never imagined that one day 76 years later, she would be sitting in Melbourne, Australia, and testifying via video against one of the guards in that camp, on trial in Hamburg. Yet 75 years and one day after the liberation of Auschwitz, an event marked with great solemnity in many countries throughout the world, that is precisely how she symbolically marked that anniversary.
Bruno Dey, a 93-year old German, is currently on trial for accessory to murder at the Hamburg district court. He served as a guard in Stutthof toward the end of the war, during the period that Halina and her mother were incarcerated there. Most of the time, his assignment was to man one of the camp’s watchtowers. His trial is the fifth of those mounted following a dramatic change in German prosecution policy, whereby anyone who served in a death camp and/or one with a gas chamber or a gas van can be convicted for accessory to murder, even if there is no evidence against them of having committed a specific crime against a specific victim motivated by racial hatred (which was the requirement for prosecution in Germany until about a decade ago)."
Bruno Dey, a 93-year old German, is currently on trial for accessory to murder at the Hamburg district court. He served as a guard in Stutthof toward the end of the war, during the period that Halina and her mother were incarcerated there. Most of the time, his assignment was to man one of the camp’s watchtowers. His trial is the fifth of those mounted following a dramatic change in German prosecution policy, whereby anyone who served in a death camp and/or one with a gas chamber or a gas van can be convicted for accessory to murder, even if there is no evidence against them of having committed a specific crime against a specific victim motivated by racial hatred (which was the requirement for prosecution in Germany until about a decade ago)."
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Lots 'o Links
Turn off the TV and pore over these great news and culture posts instead, at Maggie's Farm, Liz Sheld's Morning Greatness, Larwyn's Linx, and Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing.
Corona Corona
The coronavirus seems to have been downplayed or shrugged off in this country for some reason, yet the WHO is now referring to it as a global crisis. I couldn't help thinking about what would happen if a terrorist somehow got a hold of this virus or Ebola, for example, and infected people at the Super Bowl or other large gathering. Better to blow it all out of proportion and be safe than minimize it and pay the consequences.
If you want to see what's really happening, check out this coronavirus tracker from The Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering. It shows you the number of confirmed cases by country as well as the number of people who have recovered or died.
Argus Hamilton has a quip for the occasion: "China's government quarantined cities in Hunan Province where the Corona Virus is believed to have originated. The concern over its spread is escalating. An arriving Chinese citizen caused a wild stampede at L.A. Airport when he identified himself to Immigration officers as Ah Chu."
And Stephen Kruiser helps to debunk the moronic myth that this virus has something to do with Corona brand beer.
If you want to see what's really happening, check out this coronavirus tracker from The Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering. It shows you the number of confirmed cases by country as well as the number of people who have recovered or died.
Argus Hamilton has a quip for the occasion: "China's government quarantined cities in Hunan Province where the Corona Virus is believed to have originated. The concern over its spread is escalating. An arriving Chinese citizen caused a wild stampede at L.A. Airport when he identified himself to Immigration officers as Ah Chu."
And Stephen Kruiser helps to debunk the moronic myth that this virus has something to do with Corona brand beer.
Monday, January 27, 2020
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020
Child Surrenders at Warsaw Ghetto
Sent to Auschwitz |
![]() |
Arrival at Auschwitz & to the gas chambers |
The Holocaust will never end. The Nazis with their ruthless efficiency made sure of that.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz,1945
Monday is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and today is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the hell that was Auschwitz. That liberation came too late for too many.
From People Magazine: "Powerful Photos from the Liberation of Auschwitz."
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. These and many other terrible Holocaust pictures are worth six million lives.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Comments on Five Things
I enjoyed Scott McKay's column today at The American Spectator in which he commented on "Five Quick Things".
Those things are:
1. Impeachment is a joke, and everybody knows it
2. Trump is more fun than the leftists (and purported conservatives) who hate him
3. So what about Martha McSally?
4. No, I don’t care about Harry and Meghan. We fought a revolution so I don’t have to
5. The NFL’s great old quarterbacks are fading away
Those things are:
1. Impeachment is a joke, and everybody knows it
2. Trump is more fun than the leftists (and purported conservatives) who hate him
3. So what about Martha McSally?
4. No, I don’t care about Harry and Meghan. We fought a revolution so I don’t have to
5. The NFL’s great old quarterbacks are fading away
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Lots 'o Links
Get ready to start the 3-day weekend by reading the interesting stuff at Liz Sheld's American Greatness; Maggie's Farm; Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing; and Larwyn's Linx (make sure you read Malka Groden's "Fear in Crown Heights" there).
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Now That's What You Call a Work Ethic!
I just love these stories of individuals who have worked hard their whole long life! Here's another impressive one: Indiana’s oldest state employee retires at prime age of 102.
"Bob Vollmer is a land surveyor for the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). At his age, he's older than the Indiana DNR itself. His mother lived to be 108, and Vollmer says his body is telling him it's time to hang it up."
"Bob Vollmer is a land surveyor for the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). At his age, he's older than the Indiana DNR itself. His mother lived to be 108, and Vollmer says his body is telling him it's time to hang it up."
Describing the Democrats
I got a kick out of this article about the Democrats by Karol Markowicz. It's titled "In Iowa, Democrats tell farmers no new jobs until Greta Thunberg is happy", and it includes such vivid lines as:
"The Democrat frontrunners remain, in order, a doddering septuagenarian who can’t reliably remember what state he’s in, a hectoring schoolmarm, a 78-year-old communist who has never accomplished anything in 30 years in Congress, and a weird, hairy child from South Bend whose eyebrow waxing gets more meticulous with each passing debate."
- and -
"This week, Warren revealed exactly the sort of underhanded, vagina-baiting, neo-Hillary slime ball she truly is when her campaign hand-delivered a smear against Sanders, claiming he privately told Warren a woman could never be president."
Personally, I'd be glad to vote for a woman for president -- as long as she's a strong Republican who isn't a politically correct, radical, liberal who wants to destroy our country and our culture. Good luck with that search!
"The Democrat frontrunners remain, in order, a doddering septuagenarian who can’t reliably remember what state he’s in, a hectoring schoolmarm, a 78-year-old communist who has never accomplished anything in 30 years in Congress, and a weird, hairy child from South Bend whose eyebrow waxing gets more meticulous with each passing debate."
- and -
"This week, Warren revealed exactly the sort of underhanded, vagina-baiting, neo-Hillary slime ball she truly is when her campaign hand-delivered a smear against Sanders, claiming he privately told Warren a woman could never be president."
Personally, I'd be glad to vote for a woman for president -- as long as she's a strong Republican who isn't a politically correct, radical, liberal who wants to destroy our country and our culture. Good luck with that search!
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Not Just Antisemitism, But Annihilation
This month marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and the Times of Israel has an article about the last survivors.
CNN reveals that "New Jersey shooters David Anderson and Francine Graham had an improvised explosive device inside their U-Haul van that had the reach of five football fields, a weapon that could have been part of larger wave of attacks targeting the Jewish community and law enforcement, officials said Monday."
It never ends.
CNN reveals that "New Jersey shooters David Anderson and Francine Graham had an improvised explosive device inside their U-Haul van that had the reach of five football fields, a weapon that could have been part of larger wave of attacks targeting the Jewish community and law enforcement, officials said Monday."
It never ends.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Spoiled Royals
Until today, I was blissfully unaware of the dust-up between Prince Harry & his American wife, and the Royal Family. The only members of the royals I've ever been interested enough to read about are the current Queen Elizabeth, her parents Queen Elizabeth & King George VI, and King Edward VIII. From what I can tell, Harry & Meghan Markle are today's version of Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson, giving up duty for selfish pursuits, leaving King George VI (the stammering father of Queen Elizabeth II) to do his duty and take over.
Let's hope Harry and Meghan don't move to the United States, where I can already see a hit reality TV show in their future.
Let's hope Harry and Meghan don't move to the United States, where I can already see a hit reality TV show in their future.
Thursday, January 09, 2020
Lots 'o Links
You can find an awful lot of good reading at Larwyn's Linx, Liz Sheld's Morning Greatness, Maggie's Farm, and Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing!
Another headline that proves the Democrats are nuts: Pete Buttigieg Blames Donald Trump After Reports Indicate Iran Shot Down Ukraine Plane.
Another headline that proves the Democrats are nuts: Pete Buttigieg Blames Donald Trump After Reports Indicate Iran Shot Down Ukraine Plane.
Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Let's Show Iran Some Shock & Awe
We kill a terrorist leader, and they respond by attacking our military bases? They have made a serious error in judgement and are going to feel the wrath and resolve of the United States.
Any Americans still showing sympathy towards the dead Suleimani need their heads examined. It's time to unite against Iran's attacks on our troops. They are using the killing of Suleimani as an excuse to kill Americans and probably Israelis. Do you really hate Trump so much that you would side with Iran over your own country?
Any Americans still showing sympathy towards the dead Suleimani need their heads examined. It's time to unite against Iran's attacks on our troops. They are using the killing of Suleimani as an excuse to kill Americans and probably Israelis. Do you really hate Trump so much that you would side with Iran over your own country?
Monday, January 06, 2020
Unite For America
There's something wrong with people when they find our killing of a terrorist like Suleimani somehow worse than Iranians storming the U.S. Embassy. This is the same Iran of the Ayatollah Khomeini, the same Iran of the 444-day long Iran hostage crisis, and the same Iran that received billions via Obama's nuclear deal. What happened? Do they hate Trump so much that even attacks against us are excused?
Can't they even bring themselves to unite against our foes with the same zeal with which they're uniting to impeach him?
I have a feeling that if it were Trump rather than Obama who had captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, he still would have been met with the outraged disapproval we have seen the past few days.
We voted for him, he won, so accept it and move on already!
Can't they even bring themselves to unite against our foes with the same zeal with which they're uniting to impeach him?
I have a feeling that if it were Trump rather than Obama who had captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, he still would have been met with the outraged disapproval we have seen the past few days.
We voted for him, he won, so accept it and move on already!
Friday, January 03, 2020
Lots 'o Links
There's a lot of good reading over at Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing, Stephen Green's Florida Man Friday, Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, and Liz Sheld's Morning Greatness!
If you don't know what a shammes is, you should be ashamed, but fortunately Harold Ticktin defines the word in his Yiddish Vinkl column.
If you don't know what a shammes is, you should be ashamed, but fortunately Harold Ticktin defines the word in his Yiddish Vinkl column.
No Excuse for Violent Antisemitism!
Here's an excerpt from Caroline Glick's latest column, which you should read in full. It demonstrates the awful consequences of political correctness and willful blindness.
"When will American Jewry wake up?
To fight the onslaught of bigotry being unleashed against its members, America’s overwhelmingly Democratic and deeply liberal Jewish community needs to recognize some hard truths.
"When will American Jewry wake up?
To fight the onslaught of bigotry being unleashed against its members, America’s overwhelmingly Democratic and deeply liberal Jewish community needs to recognize some hard truths.
- It is a fact that leftist and black anti-Semites are just as great a threat, if not greater threats to the Jewish community than white nationalist anti-Semites.
- It is a fact that the Republican Party rejects anti-Semitism in all its forms and expels anti-Semites found in its ranks, and the Democratic Party enables and advances leftist and black anti-Semites and anti-Semitism.
Anti-American Destruction in Iraq
After the violent, hate-filled attacks by Iran on our embassy in Baghdad this week, I half-expected Hillary Clinton to excuse it as a "spontaneous demonstration", as she did with Benghazi.
Read this editorial by the New York Sun: "So much for the taunt from Iran’s 'supreme leader,' Ayatollah Khamanei, that America 'cannot do a damn thing' about Iran’s attack on our embassy in Baghdad. It took President Trump but a day after that jibe to wheel on the Iranians. He launched a drone attack that found and killed the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Qassim Soleimani. It is likely to mark a turning point in the not-so-quasi war that Iran has been levying against us — and, among others, Israel."
Read this editorial by the New York Sun: "So much for the taunt from Iran’s 'supreme leader,' Ayatollah Khamanei, that America 'cannot do a damn thing' about Iran’s attack on our embassy in Baghdad. It took President Trump but a day after that jibe to wheel on the Iranians. He launched a drone attack that found and killed the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Qassim Soleimani. It is likely to mark a turning point in the not-so-quasi war that Iran has been levying against us — and, among others, Israel."
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