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Friday, April 20, 2007

Harry Reid: Defeatist Appeaser

When I heard what he said, and thought of the aid & comfort he has given our enemy; and the slap in the face he has given our troops, I immediately thought of another famous defeatist remark in our history:
Defeatist Harry Reid, 4/19/07: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday the war in Iraq is "lost," triggering an angry backlash by Republicans, who said the top Democrat had turned his back on the troops." Defeatist Joseph P. Kennedy, Ambassador to Great Britain, October 1940: "The story led the Sunday paper on November 10, 1940, at a time when Nazi troops occupied Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France, and German bombs were falling on London and other British cities. The headline read: 'Kennedy Says Democracy All Done' ..... In the interview, Kennedy was reactionary toward Europe and isolationist and defeatist about the war with Germany. One explosive quote in a long and garrulous performance ended Kennedy's hope for a political career: 'Democracy is finished in England. It may be here.'

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