Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bleeding Heart Story of the Day
Note the sympathy for this murderer, but none for the 2 year old she killed: "800-pound Texas murder defendant may be too big for court. Her lawyer, Sergio Valdez, said at a hearing Monday that Rosales could die before trial because the government cut off medical care, believing she's in custody instead of under house arrest. 'Medicaid, disability, nursing — all that was canceled by the Department of Human Services because they contend that she's under arrest,' Valdez said." Awww!
Ten Rules
Dave Barry has ten rules for making the world a much better place. I like rule #9: "If you're talking on your cell phone in public, and people keep glancing at you, it's not because they're impressed by the fact that you are a busy, productive person. It's because YOU'RE TALKING TOO LOUD."
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Bailout Blahs
Well! I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the bailout bill has failed in the House. Those arrogant so-and-sos must have assumed they knew what was best for us. They never counted on the irate reaction, the e-mails, calls, and telegrams. What a soap opera this has become! Read this article in which the author says:
"It's not that taxpayers refuse to dig deeper to avoid an even bigger catastrophe. It's that they're all puking over the notion that it's the same bums in Washington who caused the mess by allowing it to fester who are now demanding their money to fix it. It's like the criminal who breaks into your house, hurts himself, then sues you for damages."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Democratic Dictionary
Here's a great lesson in Democrat-Speak from Michigan Republican Thaddeus McCotter.
Holocaust Memorial
"For over 30 years, Ken Lawrence researched and assembled a collection of postal memorabilia documenting the range and depth of horrors of what he termed 'the Nazi scourge'". Look at his Holocaust Memorial, here.
Haveil Havalim Time!

Jack announces that Haveil Havalim #184 - A Barbarian Roars Again, has been published at A Barbaric Yawp. Check out this lively Jewish blog carnival!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"Congressional Scallywags"
The Anchoress speaks for many of us when she analyzes the crisis in Washington this way:
"The answer is simple: they are scallywags, corrupt to their bones, and they need to resign or be voted out of office. Resignations would be better. Resignations would indicate that some of these too-complacent, too-comfortable, bloated monsters of ego and untouchability understand that they’ve failed to serve, they’ve failed the nation, and they’ve completely broken our trust in government. Both banking committees should resign. Congressional heads of both parties should resign. And that’s just to start. If President Bush were not leaving in four months, I’d say he should resign, too, but this crisis is ultimately Congress’ baby, and Congress should see the first resignations. Dodd, Frank, Waters, Schumer - they should be the first out the door.
Paul Newman

This tribute sums him up perfectly: "Those eyes, that face conquered all". I was madly in love with that face and those blue eyes in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", and think "The Hustler" is one of his greatest roles, along with "Hud" and "Cool Hand Luke". They don't make 'em like that any more.
Debate Debate
Regarding the debate, Kathryn Jean Lopez at NRO's The Corner said that her mother "...was too scared to watch. She played Monopoly with her six-year-old, hoping to avert financial crisis in the future." I didn't watch, either, but instead relied on those who were doing their usual great job of liveblogging. Michelle Malkin grades the candidates. And for comic relief this morning, you can check out this Presidential Debate Drinking Game at The Official Blog of Author D. H. Schleicher.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Watcher's Council Nominations
Soccer Dad has both Council and Non-Council submissions included in the latest roundup of Watcher's Council posts. (The Watcher's Council keeps an eye on the weasels of the world, and I think that Larry King has to be considered a weasel after his disgraceful interview of Ahmadinejad this week.)
Bailout Speech
Instapundit linked to Scott Ott's politically incorrect version of President Bush's bailout speech. I too like it better and wish Bush HAD used those words.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Obit of the Year
Courtesy of Obscure Store comes what has to be the most honest obituary of the year:
"Jim, who had tired of reading obituaries noting other's courageous battles with this or that disease, wanted it known that he lost his battle. It was primarily as a result of being stubborn and not following doctor's orders or maybe for just living life a little too hard for better than five decades....He was sadly deprived of his final wish, which was to be run over by a beer truck on the way to the liquor store to buy booze for a date. True to his personal style, he spent his final hours joking with medical personnel, cussing and begging for narcotics and bargaining with God to look over his loving dog, Biscuit, and his family."
Grand Rounds
Check out the 5th anniversary edition of Grand Rounds, the medical blog carnival. The first time I ever read Grand Rounds was at a blog called The Examining Room of Dr. Charles, which ceased operations in 2007.
Rosh Hashana Greetings
Rosh Hashana greetings from Greg Crosby, who writes, "Our Jewishness is a lot more than bagels and lox and an extensive Barbra Streisand record collection. It goes deeper than uttering a few Yiddish phrases and putting on a yarmulke at weddings and funerals. Its even more than just a way of life - it's a way of thinking."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Outrage of the Day
Tonight I saw the most obscene juxtaposition. While PBS showed a documentary about Warner Brothers, which included anti-Nazi and anti-antisemitism movies that studio made 60 years ago, the hideous Larry King was interviewing today's Hitler, Ahmadinejad.
A Great Reason to Elect a Politician
Oh brother! How about giving them free library cards instead? "Labour conference speech: Gordon Brown to vow home internet access for all children. All schoolchildren will have access to the internet at home under plans to give families £700 to get online."
Our English Language
Alex Beam has written this article about new words: "I love neologisms, coinages, new words, whatever you want to call them. I think 'staycation' is hilarious. Daniel Maurer, author of 'Brocabulary: The New Man-i-festo of Dude Talk' is merchandising the words 'brobituary' and 'manecdote.'"
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Speech She Couldn't Make
Per Soccer Dad, this is the speech Sarah Palin would have made at the anti-Ahmadinejad rally today. Please pass it on.
Gas Pains or, Don't Be Fuelish
I heard this story from a co-worker who was there. I also heard that while police were thus occupied, a woman robbed the hotel directly across the street! "Vehicles were backing up in to Hendersonville Road on Sunday afternoon at the Hess station, Asheville Police Sgt. Rondell Lance said. One man brandished a baseball bat because he thought someone had cut in front of him in line. Officers on scene intervened and remained at the station for at least two hours until the gas supply ran out."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The House That Ruth Built
Here are some tributes to Yankee Stadium: Michiko Kakutani of the NY Times writes, "There Will Never Be Another Place Like This". Mayor Giuliani reminisces.
EDIE the Estimator
Suze Orman mentioned this helpful tool on her show last night: "EDIE the Estimator can calculate your FDIC insurance coverage for each FDIC-insured bank where you have deposit accounts. EDIE lets you know in a printable report for each bank whether your deposits are within or exceed coverage limits."
Haveil Havalim Time!

Jack somehow lost, but then amazingly recreated, Haveil Havalim #183 , and the result is worth all the effort.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Low Point in P.D.S.
Little Green Footballs compliments Soccer Dad on his writing about the disgraceful "diss"-invititation of Sarah Palin from New York's Monday rally aganist Israel-hating lunatic Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The derangement is total: it sounds like more people are protesting the appearance of Sarah than they are a genocidal maniac.
(The first time I heard the word "dis-invited" was in regards to Justice Clarence Thomas, who, I'm sure you recall, was one of the early victims of a derangement syndrome.)
(The first time I heard the word "dis-invited" was in regards to Justice Clarence Thomas, who, I'm sure you recall, was one of the early victims of a derangement syndrome.)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Driving You Crazy
Michelle Malkin discusses "The Mother of All Bailouts" as the death of fiscal conservatism. I am very tired of bailouts, whether for companies or individuals. On the car radio someone mentioned how we will be taxed even more so that $1000 checks can be sent to people who do not pay taxes! Listening to talk radio while driving can be hazardous to your health.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Interesting Record-Holders
The UK Telegraph has a colorful 14-photo slideshow of some of the more unique Guinness World Records.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Protesting Sarahmadinejad
Moonbattery reports that "Hillary Clinton has pulled out of an appearance at a New York rally next week to protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, her aides say because she doesn't want to be seen alongside Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a 'partisan' event." Blogger Van Helsing comments, "Partisan event? It would be a bipartisan event if Shrillary had the courage to show up on the same stage as Saracuda — which admittedly would not be a wise move from an esthetic point of view."
Better in Black and White
At Arts & Letters Daily, I saw a link to this article about black & white movies in which the author rightly says "The old classics retain a vitality and beauty that color can’t provide." In my opinion, if you have great acting and excellent writing (As in "Twelve Angry Men"), you don't need or miss the color. Can you imagine "The Grapes of Wrath" in color?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friend of Jews, Enemy of Muslims
He was always my favorite: "Former Beatle Paul McCartney will go ahead with his concert set for later this month in Israel despite being labeled 'an enemy of all Muslims' and a possible terror target, the U.K.’s Daily Express reported Sunday."
Monday, September 15, 2008
Click The Color, Not The Word
Here's an addictive game to distract you from some of the infuriating news of the day. It's harder than it sounds!
A friend sent me this touching story of foster sisters separated by the Holocaust and then reunited.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Modern Art

Interesting Pile links to this amusing Photoshop contest in which participants add technology to famous works of art. These are all so clever, and I love the modern version of The Last Supper (above)!
It's Haveil Havalim Time!

Shiloh Musings is the host of Haveil Havalim #182. There are many blog carnivals online, but Haveil Havalim is one I never miss. Check it out.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Another Deranged Liberal
This takes the cake: "Tennessee Rep. Compares Obama to Jesus, Suggests Palin is Pontius Pilate".
I (Don't) Like Ike

If you have friends and family in the Houston area, you can check this map for damage reports. My friend evacuated to a hotel near Dallas and is afraid of what she will find when she returns to Houston. Most of the residents have no sympathy for the Galveston residents who refused orders to evacuate and who now expect others to rescue them. You will notice a refreshing lack of looting, shooting, Bush-bashing, and finger-pointing.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Parenting 101
Gee, what a radical concept this is: "With childhood obesity on the rise, parents are being urged to get their kids outside to play." What next, expecting parents to help their kids with homework??
One Hundred And Two Minutes
You simply MUST see "102 Minutes That Changed America". The History Channel will air a commercial-free encore presentation of this unprecedented special on September 14 at 8 pm. It should be required viewing.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New York Memories
On September 12, 2001, Corky Siemaszko wrote: "One day we will think back on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, and remember in crystal detail what we were doing when the first plane crashed into the north tower at 8:45 a.m. And we will be amazed that we didn't think it possible before."
Here is my 2006 tribute to Edward Beyea, and this is Smooth Stone's tribute to Welles Remy Crowther. For a complete and tragically long list of the souls lost that day, visit this site.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Logan Airport 9/11 Memorial
Look at this video clip about the September 11 memorial at Boston Logan's Airport.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
September 11 Memories
Writer Ed Park offers some "Reflections on That Dreadful Tuesday". And this is a touching account about the badly-injured survivors of September 11, and what they have endured over the years.
New York's 9/11 Memorial
Here are the photos of the 9/11 memorial in New York. Sorry, but I think those iron prongs are hideous!
Monday, September 08, 2008
DeNiro or Pacino?
The pairing of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in the movie "Righteous Kill" is leading people to debate again which one of these fine actors is the better actor. I have to give it to Al Pacino by a hair, only because the three "Godfather" movies are my favorite films ever, and his portrayal of Michael Corleone is so brilliant. This YouTube clip proves how truly great these two stars have been over the years.
"God Bless America"
This is the story of the song "God Bless America", made most famous by Kate Smith, and revitalized after September 11. Whenever I think of the U.S. senators spontaneously singing Irving Berlin's great love song to his adopted country, I wonder what our country would resemble today, if Flight 93 had not been diverted by its brave passengers from flying into the U.S. Capitol as planned.
Her Cousin, the Rabbi
Soccer Dad sent me this article about Michelle Obama and her cousin, Rabby Funnye. Of course, Soccer Dad had the perfect title for this story: "Funnye you don't look Jewish"!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Soccer Dad Stuff
From reliable Soccer Dad comes his juggling of Carnivals, as well as the latest Watcher's Council entries.
All In The Family
I wonder what excuses will be offered by the mother-of-the-year for this inexcusable crime:
"PASADENA, Texas – Two teenage girls are accused of stabbing a 75-year-old man to death in a robbery that netted them $15, and police say the mother of one of the teens put them up to it. Dannette R. Gillespie, 38, gave knives to her 15-year-old daughter and Vanessa Anne Ocampo, 19, then waited in the car during the killing and robbery, according to a probable cause warrant."
Haveil Havalim Time!

Haveil Havalim #181 is up at Tzipiyah.com, which "aims to inspire the Jewish world, presenting inspiring original writing from a varied team of Religious Zionist contributors."
Saturday, September 06, 2008
September 11 Remembrance in Film
At the bottom of this blog, there is a link to a movie called "7 Days in September", part of the September 11 Remembrance in Film.
MarketWatch says
MarketWatch says
"WASHINGTON, Sep 05, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SnagFilms, which brings the best nonfiction films to the web audience and promotes viral web distribution through virtual movie theater widgets, today announced its first annual September 11th Remembrance in Film, with a slate of five documentary films, featuring the critically acclaimed 7 Days in September. The films will be available in their entirety, without commercial interruption, at both www.snagfilms.com and www.indiewire.com between today and September 12th, 2008. In addition to 7 Days in September, the slate of films comprising the online Remembrance include: Afghanistan Revealed, Beyond Belief, Saint of 9/11, and We Are Family. Each of the five films illuminates the roots or results of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States.... Comprising footage culled from more than two-dozen filmmakers' material produced on the day and immediate aftermath of September 11th, 2001, 7 Days in September has been called by New York Times film critic A.O. Scott "an almost unbearably powerful documentary." Director Steven Rosenbaum wove together the journeys of 28 New Yorkers -- each of whom recorded their most private experiences during the attacks on the World Trade Center, and the week that followed. The storytellers, included a postal worker, a college student, an artist, and Rosenbaum's 11 year old son Max, who together captured the sorrow and solidarity of the 9/11 story."
September 11 Derangement Syndrome
This is a very good post regarding September 11 Derangement Syndrome in general, and Keith Olbermann in particular:
"The terrorist attacks of 9/11 happened. Thousands were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists. That's the reality. A few things-- The entire tribute lasted for 2 minutes and 50 seconds. 'That much videotape' can hardly be considered excessive. Of course, video of the 9/11 attacks is disturbing but this was not graphic. While certainly the scenes were horrific, the tribute didn't dwell on any gruesome images. It wasn't gratuitous. The video didn't exploit the memories of those lost in the attacks. To the contrary, it reminds viewers to remember what happened that day, to never forget the precious lives lost. It's ridiculous to say that it's inappropriate to show footage of such a pivotal event in the nation's history, 'at this late date.' Why is it wrong? Is it wrong to show footage of historical events such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the D-Day invasion or the liberation of Auschwitz, 'at this late date'? Does that bug Olbermann? To be sure, it's not easy to watch, but it's important to keep those historical images in mind, to understand the horror and to remember the enormous human toll."
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wild Life
Fark linked to this story, with pictures: Nine creatures named for celebrities, including President Bush, who has the "honor" of having a slime-mold beetle named after him.
"Fight With Me"
I agree with what Michelle Malkin said last night: "It’s true. I can’t work up the same amount of enthusiasm for John McCain’s speech tonight as I had last night for Gov. Palin." But I did love the end of his speech, which went like this:
"Fight with me. Fight for what’s right for our country. Fight for the ideals and character of a free people. Fight for our children’s future. Fight for justice and opportunity for all. Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.
Stand up for each other; for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America. Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We’re Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history."
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Some Kodak Moments
In a 19-picture slide show, the UK Telegraph offers some Republican convention fashion tips. I got a particular kick out of #10 and #14.
Convention Kudos
Poor John McCain sure has his work cut out for him tonight, after last night's great success by Sarah Palin and company! And kudos to the other speakers at the convention last night, especially Rudy Guiliani and Michael Steele. Giuliani said:
"For — for four days in Denver, the Democrats were afraid to use the words 'Islamic terrorism.' (AUDIENCE BOOS) I imagine they believe it is politically incorrect to say it. I think they believe it will insult someone. Please tell me, who are they insulting if they say 'Islamic terrorism'? They are insulting terrorists. (APPLAUSE) Of great concern to me, during those same four days in Denver, they rarely mentioned the attacks of September 11, 2001. They are in a state of denial about the biggest threat that faces this country. And if you deny it and you don’t deal with it, you can’t face it. John McCain can face the enemy. He can win, and he can bring victory for this country.(APPLAUSE)"Here's part of Steele's great speech:
"So, do you want to put your country first? Then let's change our tax code to confiscate less of our hard earned paychecks so more and more families may actually know what it's like to save for the future. So, do you want to put your country first? Then let's reduce our dependency on foreign sources of oil and promote oil and gas production at home. In other words, drill baby drill! And drill now! So, do you want to put your country first? Then let's make decisions about our security based on what keeps us safe and not on what's politically correct. So, do you want to put your country first? Then let's win the war on terrorism. So, do you want to put your country first? Then let's elect John McCain the next president of the United States! John McCain has the experience, judgment and character to lead America in a changing world."
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Contentions has some wonderful observations, and Jennifer Rubin sums up Sarah Palin's speech: "This Is Simply A Joy".
Spine Time for the Republicans
The revolting McCarthyite attacks on Sarah Palin the past week have literally made me nauseous. Let's hope the Republicans finally wake up and fight back starting tonight! Here's the Beltway Boys:
"If Sarah Palin succeeds as a national candidate, she could help John McCain proceed to a reform Presidency. Even if he loses while she does well, she could emerge as a major figure in GOP politics for years to come. This is why the media and political classes are so eager to discredit her. They can't let it happen. We hope Mr. McCain and the GOP are prepared to fight back. On the evidence this week, it looks like an army of volunteers is forming up to help them."And Cold Fury quotes Yuval Levin:
"I have never seen, and I admit that I could never have imagined, such shameful, out-of-control, frenzied, angry, condescending, and pathetic journalistic malpractice. The ignorant assault on Palin’s accomplishments and experience, the breathless careless airing of deranged rumors about her private life, the staggeringly indecent mistreatment of her teenage daughter in a difficult time, the ill-informed piling on about the vetting process, the self-intensifying circle of tisking nodding heads utterly detached from a straightforward political event, have been amazing and eye-opening."
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Read The Anchoress for more analysis of "Palin Derangement Syndrome". I totally agree with what she says:
"Do you get the impression I am getting, that if Sarah Palin does not learn her place and 'go home' soon, the members of the press, especially on tv, are going to begin shaking and screaming, and totally losing it? That’s the impression I am getting; that Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews, and Olbermann and Alter, (and all the rest) their heads are literally going to explode soon if - after this relentless journalistic jihad, meant to destroy Palin in a matter of days - McCain does not drop her or Palin does not collapse. I think I’ll pray for Mrs. Palin and for McCain. I wouldn’t mind seeing members of the media have on-screen breakdowns. Not after this. Hang on, Sarah! Hang on, McCain! And no, I have never seen anything like this in 40 years of watching politics. The hatred being spewed for Palin is like the combined hate for Hillary, Bill and Dubya. Except all of those hates took time to build. Sarah Palin has been on the national scene for about 125 hours. HOURS. It seems unnatural to me, and intellectually dishonest."
Guilt Trip
Larrey Anderson is right when he says, "Republicans are acting as if everything that went wrong in Louisiana when Katrina hit is their entire fault. They are also setting a very dangerous standard: the federal government must be everywhere and always fully prepared for any natural disaster."
Monday, September 01, 2008
Weather or Not
Here's how Hurricane Gustav, now downgraded to a category 2 storm, affects the Republican convention.
Michelle Malkin writes: "The Palin family values the sanctity of life. They talk the talk and walk the walk. It is driving the Left absolutely insane beyond the farthest reaches of unhingedness. Now comes the news that 17-year-old daughter Bristol is pregnant. 'News' that wouldn’t be news but for the nutroots P.D.S. conspiracy theories that won’t die." (P.D.S., if you haven't guessed, stands for Palin Derangement Syndrome.)
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