Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Friday, May 03, 2019

Disgusting Links

This disgusting situation continues:  "The San Francisco Chronicle published a story yesterday highlighting the city’s ongoing public pooping problem. The city will spend more than $72 million this year on cleaning the sidewalks several times a day, but that won’t be enough. The city has received nearly 6,000 reports about poop in the streets so far this year, up 7% from last year. .. A city supervisor named Matt Haney is pushing for an increase of another $12 million to get the streets cleaner. Meanwhile, the city’s mayor and public works director are saying that, at some point, the underlying behavior has to be addressed."  At some point? How about right now, before there's a cholera or typhoid epidemic? It sounds more like a Third World country than Nancy Pelosi's own city. I doubt Tony Bennett would want to leave his heart in San Francisco these days.

And speaking of disgusting, the despicable anti-Semite Ilhan Omar not only dislikes the Jews, she also dislikes the very country she purports to represent, now blaming America for the situation in Venezuela. When Pence and Pompeo rightly condemned her remarks, she made things worse by immediately resorting to the "It's because I'm a black woman" response:  "Women of color have heard this before. Instead of 'we disagree,' it's 'she doesn't know what she's talking about.' They have to make us feel small." Lady, every time you open your mouth, you make yourself look small! Shut up and sit down!

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