Here's some good stuff to end the week with. Visit Larwyn's Linx, Maggie's Farm, and Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing.
Johnson & Johnson is being forced to pay $570 million in Oklahoma alone for making & marketing opioids. Everyone acts as if the idiots recklessly snorting, smoking, & injecting huge amount of drugs bear absolutely no responsibility for their own overdoses! You want to get high? That's the risk you take. You want pain relief? If you're fortunate enough to be prescribed opioids, follow the instructions on the label or pay the consequences. It's that simple. The drug manufacturers aren't forcing you to overuse their products. It's just easier to be irresponsible and blame someone else, and I'm tired of it.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Recession Obsession
When all else fails for the Democrats and their media enablers, just use scare tactics and even make up stories, like the one about an imminent recession! So I got a kick out of the story at MarketWatch today, and the reader comments. The headline is "Americans are googling the Dow — here’s why that could spell trouble". One clever reader responded as follows:
"'Americans are googling the Dow — here’s why that could spell trouble.' 'Duh...what's this Dow thing they're talking about? You mean the guy who played Wally on Leave it to Beaver?' Yes; that's certainly troubling."

"'Americans are googling the Dow — here’s why that could spell trouble.' 'Duh...what's this Dow thing they're talking about? You mean the guy who played Wally on Leave it to Beaver?' Yes; that's certainly troubling."

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
A Perfect Example of the Phrase "Dumbing Down"
Another brilliant idea: punish smart students!
"Desegregation Plan: Eliminate All Gifted Programs in New York. A group appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed seismic changes to the nation’s largest school system. A group of selective schools and programs geared to students labeled gifted and talented is filled mostly with white and Asian children. The rest of the system is open to all students and is predominantly black and Hispanic.
Now, a high-level panel appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio is recommending that the city do away with most of these selective programs in an effort to desegregate the system, which has 1.1 million students and is by far the largest in the country."
Yep, it's obviously that pesky white supremacy again! Let's make sure that students who study and work hard aren't encouraged and rewarded, and ensure that everyone is equally stupid!
"Desegregation Plan: Eliminate All Gifted Programs in New York. A group appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed seismic changes to the nation’s largest school system. A group of selective schools and programs geared to students labeled gifted and talented is filled mostly with white and Asian children. The rest of the system is open to all students and is predominantly black and Hispanic.
Now, a high-level panel appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio is recommending that the city do away with most of these selective programs in an effort to desegregate the system, which has 1.1 million students and is by far the largest in the country."
Yep, it's obviously that pesky white supremacy again! Let's make sure that students who study and work hard aren't encouraged and rewarded, and ensure that everyone is equally stupid!
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Lots 'io Links
Don't forget to read the posts at Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing, Maggie's Farm, and Larwyn's Linx!
The word at Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl is eigen, which means eyes, and he quotes this proverb: "Der mensch hot zwei eigen, zwei eihren, ober nor ein moil. / Man has two eyes, two ears, but only one mouth. Because you will learn twice as much as what you will ever have to say.”
This is unbelievable. The San Francisco speech enforcers are now sanitizing crime-related words and phrases: "Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid of words such as 'offender' and 'addict' while changing 'convicted felon' to 'justice-involved person.'... The local officials say the new language will help change people’s views about those who commit crimes." In other words, they don't want the public to know the truth! Gee - I wonder what the PC replacement for "crime wave" will be?
The word at Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl is eigen, which means eyes, and he quotes this proverb: "Der mensch hot zwei eigen, zwei eihren, ober nor ein moil. / Man has two eyes, two ears, but only one mouth. Because you will learn twice as much as what you will ever have to say.”
This is unbelievable. The San Francisco speech enforcers are now sanitizing crime-related words and phrases: "Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid of words such as 'offender' and 'addict' while changing 'convicted felon' to 'justice-involved person.'... The local officials say the new language will help change people’s views about those who commit crimes." In other words, they don't want the public to know the truth! Gee - I wonder what the PC replacement for "crime wave" will be?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Women Suffering From BDS
Let's hope these two, along with AOC, are soundly rejected and defeated in the next election. They don't deserve to represent the American people.
And as this Jewish Press columnist writes, "President Trump, who has been nothing but pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, reminded American Jews that they are Jewish, and as Jews they have a responsibility and obligation to their family and community of fellow Jews. He said it out of concern (with a little politics thrown in)." Absolutely right! To call him an anti-Semite is laughable. I've never understood why some Jews continue to vote for the Democrats. This is no longer the party of JFK and LBJ.
(Cartoon from Michael Ramirez, as seen here)
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Lots 'o Links
Get ready for some good reading with Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, and Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing!
Also: Good for Netanyahu, banning Omar and Tlaib from spewing their anti-Israel, anti-Jewish propaganda in Israel!
Here's an appreciation of John Cazale's portrayal of Fredo Corleone.
What they've done to Placido Domingo is like what they did to Judge Kavanaugh: a politically correct rush to judgement and the destruction of a man's career and reputation. This well-written article is titled "Innocent until proven guilty? Not for Placido Domingo: Americans race to condemn, Europeans hesitant".
Here's a quip from Argus Hamilton's latest column: "Democratic Socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine over the weekend. Bernie promised that if elected president, he will release to the public everything the U.S. government knows about extraterrestrials. He will then sign them up for Medicare."
Also: Good for Netanyahu, banning Omar and Tlaib from spewing their anti-Israel, anti-Jewish propaganda in Israel!
Here's an appreciation of John Cazale's portrayal of Fredo Corleone.
What they've done to Placido Domingo is like what they did to Judge Kavanaugh: a politically correct rush to judgement and the destruction of a man's career and reputation. This well-written article is titled "Innocent until proven guilty? Not for Placido Domingo: Americans race to condemn, Europeans hesitant".
Here's a quip from Argus Hamilton's latest column: "Democratic Socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine over the weekend. Bernie promised that if elected president, he will release to the public everything the U.S. government knows about extraterrestrials. He will then sign them up for Medicare."
Monday, August 12, 2019
Juden Verboten
RedState's analysis of this disgraceful news was exactly right. complete with the perfect photo, above.
"The European Union is preparing to add warning labels on Jewish products made in Israel. Not content with generations of antisemitism before and after the Holocaust, Europe’s ruling class apparently thinks it’s a good idea to push what is the equivalent of an in kind contribution to the boycott, divestment, and sanction movement
All of this is a call back to boycotts of Jewish businesses before the Holocaust in which Jews were mandated to post signs announcing who they were so anti-Semites could avoid them. It is simply astonishing that such tactics are on the verge of becoming law in Europe again. None of this appears to be getting better and it underscores, now more than ever, exactly why Israel is necessary as a safe haven for the Jewish people."
"The European Union is preparing to add warning labels on Jewish products made in Israel. Not content with generations of antisemitism before and after the Holocaust, Europe’s ruling class apparently thinks it’s a good idea to push what is the equivalent of an in kind contribution to the boycott, divestment, and sanction movement
All of this is a call back to boycotts of Jewish businesses before the Holocaust in which Jews were mandated to post signs announcing who they were so anti-Semites could avoid them. It is simply astonishing that such tactics are on the verge of becoming law in Europe again. None of this appears to be getting better and it underscores, now more than ever, exactly why Israel is necessary as a safe haven for the Jewish people."
Vienna Philharmonic 2019 Summer Concert: Wonderful American Music
What a great concert this was! Every piece was music was familiar, including the overture from Candide; "Rhapsody in Blue" featuring the pianist Yuza Wang; "Casablanca Suite" by Max Steiner; "Stars & Stripes Forever"; "Adagio for Strings"; "Hoe-Down"; and more!
You can see the video here. Hurry - it expires on September 6, 2019!
You can see the video here. Hurry - it expires on September 6, 2019!
Friday, August 09, 2019
Good Friday Links
Here's the inaugural issue of Stephen Kruiser's Morning Briefing.
The best revenge against the Nazis: "Holocaust survivor marks 104th birthday at Western Wall with 400 descendants. Shoshanna Ovitz survived Auschwitz, moved to Haifa and had 4 children; 'Everyone had tears in their eyes,’ granddaughter says, as photo of gathering goes viral."
The best revenge against the Nazis: "Holocaust survivor marks 104th birthday at Western Wall with 400 descendants. Shoshanna Ovitz survived Auschwitz, moved to Haifa and had 4 children; 'Everyone had tears in their eyes,’ granddaughter says, as photo of gathering goes viral."
An Excellent Column by Daniel Greenfield: "We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control"
This column by Daniel Greenfield is a must-read, especially for our lawmakers. The title is We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control, and he's absolutely right.
Among other things, he writes: "It is not the purpose of government to control weapons, but to control criminals".
He says: "When we fail to lock up criminals, society becomes a prison. When we don’t institutionalize the insane, then society becomes the insane asylum. When we don’t stop foreign gangs and terrorists from entering our country, then we wake up to realize that we are living in El Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan or Iraq"
He says: "We can work to turn our societies into giant prisons in the hopes of impeding that 0.1% of the population which is inclined to violence over drugs, deranged fantasies or the Koran from shooting up malls, ramming cars into crowds, setting off pressure cooker bombs or flying planes into skyscrapers. Or we can get rid of that 0.1% and actually have a free and safe society"
And, "If we want to stop mass killings, we have to restore a moral society based on individual responsibility. The alternative is living in one giant progressive prison with the killers, the psychos and the terrorists. Either we control the criminals or we lose all control over our own lives."
How can you argue with that?
Among other things, he writes: "It is not the purpose of government to control weapons, but to control criminals".
He says: "When we fail to lock up criminals, society becomes a prison. When we don’t institutionalize the insane, then society becomes the insane asylum. When we don’t stop foreign gangs and terrorists from entering our country, then we wake up to realize that we are living in El Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan or Iraq"
He says: "We can work to turn our societies into giant prisons in the hopes of impeding that 0.1% of the population which is inclined to violence over drugs, deranged fantasies or the Koran from shooting up malls, ramming cars into crowds, setting off pressure cooker bombs or flying planes into skyscrapers. Or we can get rid of that 0.1% and actually have a free and safe society"
And, "If we want to stop mass killings, we have to restore a moral society based on individual responsibility. The alternative is living in one giant progressive prison with the killers, the psychos and the terrorists. Either we control the criminals or we lose all control over our own lives."
How can you argue with that?
Thursday, August 08, 2019
Lots 'o Links
There are lots of good links today at Larwyn's Linx, Maggie's Farm, and Steven Hayward's Loose Ends. (Cartoon by Michael Ramirez)
Argus Hamilton Quips
The humorist comments on the latest news topics in his latest column. I got a kick out of this item: "Shark Week ended with a dramatic flourish at Smyrna Beach in Florida when three different swimmers over a twenty-four hour period were bitten by the same shark. It was a Great White, so it's being classified as a hate crime. The hospital looked at the victims' wounds and blamed Trump."
Tuesday, August 06, 2019
Some Interesting Posts I Saw Today
It seems that today was Liz Sheld's last day at Pajamas Media, and she will no longer be writing the Morning Briefing. I enjoyed her columns very much. Here's her farewell post: "Readers, this is my last day and PJ
Media and my last Morning Briefing. Thank you all so much for your loyal
attention over the years, I have enjoyed reading your comments (yes, I read
them, even the trolls) to my morning brain dumps and obsessive news monitoring.
You can find me on Twitter, American Greatness, and behind the scenes at other
places you probably read where I pull puppet strings and reign as a benevolent
dictatrix. Mr. Stephen Kruiser, infinitely more popular and talented than
your humble Liz, will be taking the helm."
Daniel Greenfield makes the scary case that Medicare for All equals Medicaid for All. "Medicare for All doesn’t expand Medicare. It eliminates Medicare for those who have it." This is a necessary read, unless you're a socialist Democrat who thinks this is a good thing and can't wait to turn 65.
Matt Walsh tries to explain why we've had so many mass killings: "At bottom, the answer is that we have become a country filled with numb, detached, and desensitized people. Mass shootings are the ultimate manifestation of that detachment."
Daniel Greenfield makes the scary case that Medicare for All equals Medicaid for All. "Medicare for All doesn’t expand Medicare. It eliminates Medicare for those who have it." This is a necessary read, unless you're a socialist Democrat who thinks this is a good thing and can't wait to turn 65.
Matt Walsh tries to explain why we've had so many mass killings: "At bottom, the answer is that we have become a country filled with numb, detached, and desensitized people. Mass shootings are the ultimate manifestation of that detachment."
Monday, August 05, 2019
Terrorism at Walmart - We Need To Fight Back!
I didn't want to talk about this latest mass killing, because the publicity only helps give more incentive to other killers, But I really think this was a case of terrorism rather than just some random attack by a disgruntled lunatic. I still remember hearing years ago that sleeper cells in America were under instructions to commit mass shootings in public places where crowds gathered, for maximum deadly results. They know that most Americans (unfortunately) aren't armed and can't fight back, resulting in depressingly high death tolls.
In case you have forgotten, next month is the 18th anniversary of the cold-blooded attacks on September 11. How can you be sure that Islamic sleeper cells and their sympathizers have not been awoken to continue their deadly mission?
See this report titled Terrorism in America After 9/11 and read Part IV. What is the Threat to the United States Today?
In case you have forgotten, next month is the 18th anniversary of the cold-blooded attacks on September 11. How can you be sure that Islamic sleeper cells and their sympathizers have not been awoken to continue their deadly mission?
See this report titled Terrorism in America After 9/11 and read Part IV. What is the Threat to the United States Today?
Thursday, August 01, 2019
Masques and Bergamasques
This is my favorite part of Masques and Bergamasques by Gabriel Faure. It's the 3rd movement, Gavotte:Allegro Vivo, and the art work is by Jean-Antoine Watteau.
Lots 'o Links
The usual interesting reading can be yours today at Larwyn's Linx, Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing, and Maggie's Farm!
The word for July 19 at Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl is our favorite, kvetch, and he gives this perfect & timely example: “This is an age of too much information, but also of too much commentary and too much kvetching. The civility of American politics has been shattered.”
The word for July 19 at Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl is our favorite, kvetch, and he gives this perfect & timely example: “This is an age of too much information, but also of too much commentary and too much kvetching. The civility of American politics has been shattered.”
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