Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Some Interesting Posts I Saw Today

It seems that today was Liz Sheld's last day at Pajamas Media, and she will no longer be writing the Morning Briefing. I enjoyed her columns very much.  Here's her farewell post:  "Readers, this is my last day and PJ Media and my last Morning Briefing. Thank you all so much for your loyal attention over the years, I have enjoyed reading your comments (yes, I read them, even the trolls) to my morning brain dumps and obsessive news monitoring. You can find me on Twitter, American Greatness, and behind the scenes at other places you probably read where I pull puppet strings and reign as a benevolent dictatrix.  Mr. Stephen Kruiser, infinitely more popular and talented than your humble Liz, will be taking the helm."

Daniel Greenfield makes the scary case that Medicare for All equals Medicaid for All. "Medicare for All doesn’t expand Medicare. It eliminates Medicare for those who have it."  This is a necessary read, unless you're a socialist Democrat who thinks this is a good thing and can't wait to turn 65.

Matt Walsh tries to explain why we've had so many mass killings:  "At bottom, the answer is that we have become a country filled with numb, detached, and desensitized people. Mass shootings are the ultimate manifestation of that detachment."

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