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Monday, September 06, 2021

A Look Back at the Biden Presidency

For a well-written history of Biden's tenure as President, you must read Biden Surrendered to the Taliban; The GOP Must Not Surrender to Biden; Impeach the president, court martial the Joint Chiefs of Staff by David Horowitz and Daniel Greenfield.

Here's an excerpt:

"Joseph R. Biden is the worst president and the worst human being to ever occupy the White House. His ill will towards the country he leads is written all over his administration – the invasion of millions of unvetted foreigners from 100 countries, many of whom are COVID carrying, sex trafficking, drug dealing criminals. Out of control crime, making the streets of our cities unsafe is also a direct result of Democrat policies and criminal Democrat prosecutors and district attorneys. Bankrupting the economy with a $5 trillion socialist scheme, orchestrated by Bernie Sanders, a life-long supporter of Communist dictatorships, whose intent is to make every American dependent on government and beholden to federal bureaucrats is what the Democrats were working on late into the night in the Capitol as Americans died in Kabul.  

Patriots should never forget this, and never let Americans forget as well. Afghanistan is a holograph of America’s future if Democrat policies prevail. It fell because of the treachery of the Democrat Party in selecting a dementia case and judgement-challenged politician to be president. Afghanistan fell because of the lack of patriotic concern by the entire Biden White House and the military chiefs, the lack of concern for the welfare of the people, the first responsibility of those who hold these offices. The military chiefs who are a product of Barack Obama’s politicized military were busily pushing a Marxist ideology on their troops – one that indicts America as a hopelessly racist country, while the Taliban terrorists were preparing their victory march to Kabul."

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