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Friday, November 04, 2022

Phil Mushnick on Kyrie Irving & Other Antisemites

Sportswriter Phil Mushnick has written a great column titled "Nets’ Kyrie Irving can go to hell with his anti-Semitic stupidity" and he has brought up some important facts that others seem to overlook:

"While Irving’s sense of applied and shared history seems to be in accord with the 12th-century Inquisition and genocidal Nazis of the 20th century, I wonder if he knows of three more recent historical figures:  James Chaney, a black man from Mississippi, and Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, two young Jews from New York City. 

"I highly doubt that Irving, despite his Duke University pedigree, has heard of them and I highly doubt that what now passes for black leadership — the selectively silent from Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton to Louis Farrakhan to LeBron James to Kanye West — would encourage young African Americans to learn of them. 

"Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman were civil rights workers on a mission in Mississippi in 1964. They were murdered by Ku Klux Klan members. Chaney was 21, Schwerner was 24 and Goodman was 20.
Starting with the formation of the NAACP in 1909 in NYC, there have been a preponderance of Jews in black civil rights movements. They shared the commonality and brutality of illogical, ignorant, Kyrie Irving-like bigotry. 

"But now we see, hear and read of  'enlightened' black men and women turning Jews such as Goodman and Schwerner from martyrs to suckers. It’s a colossal betrayal generated and spread by practiced hate and race hustlers who now win attention and even support on demand."

It's not only enlightened black men, it's also terrorists like these who attacked a kosher market and killed three people. They also hated Jews, and they had an interest in the  the so-called Black Hebrew Israelites movement. How long does it take today's antisemites to go from openly expressing antisemitic sentiments to actually killing Jews?

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