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Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Maybe Next Time, Say "Hey, You!"

I am so happy I grew up in normal times when calling ladies "ladies" wasn't considered a "micro-aggression", whatever that even means.  We didn't need "safe spaces" back then. No wonder everyone today is so fragile and can't even deal with everyday common words!


Easthampton superintendent candidate offer revoked after addressing school committee as ‘ladies’

EASTHAMPTON, MA. (WGGB/WSHM) - The offer to the final candidate for the superintendent of Easthampton Public Schools was rescinded Thursday.

Candidate Vito Perrone told Western Mass News they voted to rescind the offer in an executive session. The reason behind it: allegedly a perceived “microaggression” in an email he sent to school committee members.

“What really rankled me was the people the community of Easthampton is always its usually supportive and welcomed me,” said Perrone.

He told Western Mass News he was notified by the chairperson of the school committee that his offer would be taken away due to an email he sent to the school committee chairperson and executive assistant to the committee.

We obtained a copy of the email that lists negotiations, including more vacation time. He explained the main focus, was him addressing the school committee as quote “ladies” at the beginning of his email.

She explained to me that they were insulted by the address, and I said well I grew up in a time the sixties seventies when ladies and gentlemen was a term of respect,” said Perrone. “That’s how I intended it, and I didn’t mean to insult you and was basically told my apology didn’t mean anything and they were going to rescind the offer.”

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