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Friday, June 23, 2023

Biden's Disgraceful Treatment of Israel

The great Melanie Phillips has another important column about how the United States is treating Israel as the enemy.

It's at Substack at "Israel's American 'frenemy'.  If Netanyahu won’t alert Americans to their government’s abandonment of Israel, US politicians must do so.", or see it at Jewish World Review.

This is all so disgustingly familiar, going back to Obama.

Here are some excerpts:


"Earlier this week, four Israelis were murdered by Hamas-affiliated terrorists outside the town of Eli in northern Samaria. The response from the US was sickening. It persistently suggested a moral equivalence between the victims of the atrocity and their Palestinian Arab terrorist attackers."

"..the liberal mindset of the Biden administration simply cannot acknowledge that the Palestinian Arabs’ actual agenda is the extermination of Israel. To admit this blindingly obvious truth would destroy the liberal fantasy that all conflicts involve rational actors and can be solved by negotiated compromise. Since Israel resists the attempt to exterminate it, the Biden administration regards Israel as the problem. So it punishes Israel while rewarding its attackers."

"Astounding as it seems, the US has been determined to empower Iran since the Obama administration — many of whose key officials are now Biden staffers —concluded the lethal 2015 nuclear deal."

"Whatever the real reason, by minimising the mortal threat Iran poses to the west the Biden administration now views Israel as a threat instead because it is determined to stop Iran.
The administration therefore regards Israel as a major obstacle to be neutralised.
Accordingly, Israel must now view the US as a 'frenemy'."


Actually, I think she's being too kind. Under both the Obama and the Biden administrations, Israel has been treated more like the enemy. And it won't stop until we get the Democrats out of power.

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