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Monday, July 02, 2007

Kesher Talk Contest

Kesher Talk is running a contest: "The Jerusalem Post continues its coverage of the Latin Mass controversy, with a story that states, 'The text of a "Motu Proprio" (papal decision) regarding the revival of a controversial Latin mass will be made public this week, The Jerusalem Post has learned. Vatican officials stressed that the current text, which formerly called Jews "perfidious," contains no derogatory reference to Jews.' On one level I'm relieved, but on another I'm saddened that I won't find a colorful term for Jews in the Latin mass. That suggests a Kesher Talk contest -- what's your favorite epithet for Jews? With perfidious on the way out of the Latin Mass, where can we turn for an invigorating dose of oppobrium? Send us your favorite terms. These ground rules apply, to force creativity. The terms CANNOT use the words "Christ" or "Nazi" in any form or gerund. On the other hand, terms in languages other than English are welcome, to show the range of the rich linguistic heritage of Jew hatred." I would have to include the lovely phrases "you people" and "your people", which I have heard many times.

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