I love watching NASA-TV and also listening to Mission Control audio. They are replaying today's launch of Discovery, and this time the word "awesome" actually fits.
Jewish conservative commenting on what makes news each day, and on the stories that catch my fancy
"The mouth of the South, former President Jimmy Carter can't help himself. He has this overwhelming desire to open his mouth about most any subject, especially Israel. He thinks it's important to reveal that he thinks Israel has about 150 nuclear weapons in its arsenal. Doesn't he forget the reason that Israel needed to develop those weapons - the fact that every other country in the region sought its destruction on multiple occasions and all but two continue down that path today? Iran is currently engaged in a nuclear program that even the Saudis think is going to result in nuclear weapons, and they don't want to suffer those consequences either. Why reveal that information? What is gained?..."
".... Memorial Day should never be used by any group to grind any kind of political ax. There are many other days of the year for that. It should not be used to generate profits for any company. It should not be used just as a great excuse for a three-day weekend, which unfortunately is too often the case, especially since Congress turned Memorial Day into a three-day weekend with the National Holiday Act of 1971. No, today should be simply used to stop and say "thanks" to the men and women of our Armed Forces. It should be used as a day to spend a few quiet moments thinking about the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who went into harm's way and never came home again. It should be used as a day to stop and offer a prayer for the souls of the brave men and women who did what their country asked them to do, regardless of their own personal fears, feelings and misgivings. It should be used as a day to learn more about the great sacrifices these men and women made on our behalf. A day to teach our children about those sacrifices."
"If the GOP does not now trash the farm bill……they will be beyond saving. Especially now that Nancy Pelosi - as incompetent a House Speaker as has ever held the post - has decided that Congress does not even have to send the president whole and complete bills (staggering arrogance!), if the GOP does not find the gumption to first DEMAND a revote and then do a 180 and represent the will of the people over their own fat, they deserve to lose everything, for the foreseeable future."
"In efforts to avoid creditors, a woman in South Carolina wrote a fake obituary for a daughter who she said died in Iraq."(Via Nealz Nuze, which always has a lot of good but infuriating items.)
'We are what we read, to a very considerable degree,' the writer said. With dismay, McCullough cited a survey finding that one-third of college-educated Americans had not read a single novel in the past year, and he called on graduates to 'read, read, read!' 'Read the classics of American literature that you've never opened. Read your country's history. . . . Read about the great turning points in the history of science and medicine and ideas.' He also pleaded with graduates to rid the vernacular of a 'verbal virus': the rampant use of 'like,' 'you know,' 'awesome,' and 'actually.' 'Just imagine if in his inaugural address John F. Kennedy had said, 'Ask not what your country can, you know, do for you, but what you can, like, do for your country, actually.'"
"Deputies arrest passenger who allegedly threw bottle after being called name for listening to Mariah Carey tune".
"My energy plan: declare a national energy emergency; uncap all our oil wells that were capped back to the 60’s and forward; use the tons of exploration maps the oil companies have locked up for years and start drilling immediately; ban all the red tape for drilling and refineries; tell environmentalists to go to hell; drill offshore in the Gulf and Pacific. As for refineries, drop all the red tape and work non-stop 24/7 with thousands of workers just like we did in WWII to vamp up to win a war. My guess is that prices would drop quickly with that announcement."
"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along . . . We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."Read Kathryn Jean Lopez's entire article, in which she ends by saying "The world does not actually revolve around Barackstar. It doesn’t even revolve around contemporary Democrats. There are two very different ways of looking at the world, represented by the two parties here in the U.S. President Bush, obviously, believes the other party’s approach is wrong. To say so, in his mind, was of historic importance, for obvious reasons. Obvious, at least, to any statesman who can see before and beyond this current election season. Thank you, Senator Obama, for helping make clear where you stand on that front."
There is no denying that the current financial morass is deep and painful. But taking the long view, there is something both startling and disturbing about the gloom that has settled over Wall Street and the country in general. In fact, looking back over the past century, it would be a stretch to rank the current problems as especially notable or dramatic. Something else is going on – namely a cultural rut of pessimism that is draining our collective energy, blinding us to possibilities, and eroding our position in the world.And, how come you never hear politicians talk about what a great country America is, and how lucky we are to be Americans?
"Teddy Kennedy said Friday Hillary Clinton should not be Barack Obama's running mate because she's not worthy of it. Teddy's support has been an invaluable help to Obama. The Kennedy family has a long history of getting rid of troublesome blondes."
"John McCain said Barack Obama is clearly the choice of Hamas after a terrorist leader had praised the Democrat. Obama objected to McCain's remark immediately. He's slept through sermons for twenty years and he's not going to be blindsided again."
"Conservatives have spent the entire campaign season eviscerating Democrat candidates who’ve tattooed themselves with the empty 'change' slogan. So what do the brain-dead strategists and p.r. market wizards of the GOP go and do? Wrap themselves in 'change.' What about self-preservation? What about sovereignty? What about consistent adherence to constitutional principles? Nope. We get more insipid 'change.' The crack research staff at GOP HQ somehow missed that 'Change You Deserve' is the marketing slogan for Effexor, an anti-depressant. Brilliant."I need an anti-depressant myself after reading this.
"Walter Funk, 77, stared in disbelief Saturday morning when he found a strange young woman casually walking through his home. In the minutes to come, paramedics would carry someone out on a stretcher. It wasn't Funk. A brazen morning burglary that might have led to tragedy closed with a female suspect pinned by a 160-pound retired construction worker who doesn't like surprises. 'When you are in my house, I am the master of my house,' said Funk, a native of Germany who has lived on 123rd Street N in Seminole 20 years. 'You don't leave me. You don't get away.' And Nicole Mason-Suares didn't."(via Obscure Store)
"Roger Clemens apologized for personal mistakes Sunday which center around the affair he had that began when the girl was fifteen. Admitting it may be a ploy for sympathy. He just has to introduce her as his page and Congress will get off his case."
"New Mexico police arrested self-proclaimed prophet Wayne Bent at his compound near the Colorado border. He heads a cult that considers him the Messiah. These Obama impersonators are everywhere now that it looks like he might get the nomination."
"Even for summer trash, this abomination by the creatively challenged Wachowski brothers is a train wreck so bad that words literally fail me, but I will say it looks like somebody ate 25 cafeteria Jello-O congealed salads and then threw up all over the sets. ... Few summer movies promise to be more nauseating than Speed Racer, unless you count the one with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as siblings (you need a barf bag just for the trailers)."
"After a week in which a chorus of television pundits talked about the Rev. Wright controversy ad nauseam, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama introduced a proposal today to silence such repetitious discussions. 'I am proposing a gas-bag holiday,' Sen. Obama told a capacity crowd in Indianapolis. 'Under my plan, all gas-bags would go on vacation until the second week of November.'"