Here is Jack's Gaza Update 4.5. If you have any links to posts he might be able to include in the next update (if he has the time), e-mail him at talktojacknow@sbcglobal.net.
Jewish conservative commenting on what makes news each day, and on the stories that catch my fancy
"Israel — the only country in the world not permitted to defend its own civilian population against attack. Not without the usual, predictable international outcry anyway. If, for the last six months the south coast of England had been daily bombarded with rockets fired by a terrorist outfit in control of, say, Germany? if people in the region had been forced daily to flee to bomb shelters? if men, women and children were being killed on a regular basis ... you’d imagine it would have made widespread global headlines. That there would be considerable sympathy for the civilians involved. And if British forces were to retaliate against the terror group by launching air strikes against its bases — not primarily as a “revenge” operation but in a direct attempt to neuter those rocket attacks ... Would there be quite the same backlash in the British media against this as there has been this week against the Israeli response? What else were the Israelis expected to do in this situation? Sit back and take it? And hope that the plight of its civilians might galvanise the rest of the world into putting pressure on the terrorist Hamas? Some chance."
"Among well-worn cliches, "at the end of the day" is getting to me, as is the synonymous "when all is said and done." These expressions are usually followed by a declaration of what we have to do. Just do it, by the end of tomorrow.
In recent years, people have said so often that they are going after the "low hanging fruit" that I can't believe there is any left anywhere. And we've had so many "stakeholders" on this or that issue that it's no wonder you can never find a vampire when you need one.
I have grown weary, too, of "perfect storm" being used to describe everything from our financial crisis to a political problem to a slew of sports injuries. Some weather person coined the term to describe a rare confluence of factors creating extreme conditions. Now it seems as if we have a "perfect storm" somewhere, some way, every day. It's supposed to be rare, remember? And too much today is described as "extreme" -- sports, diets, poverty, the right wing, the left wing, weather, illness. "I had this like, extreme, flu ..."
Can we stop talking about "meltdowns" in this industry or that business? The term describes what happens in the overheated core of a nuclear reactor, but it's a little hyperbolic for everything else to which it is applied, including emotional collapses. Financial houses fail, but their demise does not spread lethal radiation, just extreme misery.
I commiserate with a fellow scribe who hates hearing "it is what it is." Just tell us what it is and then we'll all know.
And beware of someone who starts addressing you by saying, "with all due respect ..." which is another way of saying you don't deserve any and I'm about to expose your idiocy."
"Ever feel like you’re on a surreal merry-go-round, watching the same events play out over and over as you circle endlessly past, to no discernible purpose or end?"
"Zelda and Isaac were here this morning. Isaac's sister lives near the centre of Ashdod, where the 39 year old woman was killed by a rocket yesterday.Isaac has nephews living on a moshav in the south, where the rockets fall. One of them missed a rocket by one minute a few months ago. David, their son-in-law was called into the air force (he doesn't fly), and sent a message to say he wont be able to be in contact with his family. Their daughter, Ariella, is pregnant with 2 small children and works all hours as a doctor. Since the male doctors were called up, she'll have to work even more hours. So Z and I are having to fill in more to look after the kids. This is how one family living north of Tel Aviv has been affected."
"Damned if they do, but Israel's dead if they don't. Dead Jews aren't news, but killing terrorists outrages global activists. On Saturday, Israel struck back powerfully against its tormentors. Now Israel's the villain. Again. How long will it be until the UN General Assembly passes a resolution creating an international Holocaust Appreciation Day?"Read it all.
"The United Kingdom has called for an 'immediate halt' to violence in Gaza, while the Pope called upon 'all sides' to end the violence. We do not recall either Britain or the Vatican speaking up when Hamas was pouring rockets and mortar shells into Israel. We therefore do not see why Israel should even listen to anything that either entity has to say now that Hamas is reaping what it has sown."
"They have never accepted the existence of Israel. They teach hateful, racist propaganda to school kids ensuring the next generation keeps up the slaughter. They have launched hundreds of rockets during a "cease fire" which now has lapsed. The Israelis kept weapons tight until the official "cease fire" ended. Now they are making piles of dead tangos and I say Bravo! The Palestinians are an artificial creation of the hard liners who decided they didn't want the Jooos in their neighborhood. There is no question both groups have historical claims to the area but when the UN made a compromise, the Israelis were attacked multiple times by their Arab neighbors. They kicked the crap out of these vaunted Arab armies. They have created a stable, liberal democracy and even allow Israeli Arabs to serve in Parliament. The Palestinians have murdered innocents wholesale and threatened to push all the Israelis into the sea and claim all the land. They have spent countless billions of other peoples dollars to train terrorists and let their own people starve. they are reprehensible and only marginally civilized. They can learn to live like decent human beings or they can die and be stacked like cord wood."And Treppenwitz says:
"An open letter to...Let's see how long it takes for the U.N. to condemn Israel this time.
... the Vatican which is now calling for an end to middle east violence...
... the U.N. Secretary General who is suddenly "deeply alarmed by the bloodshed..."
... the U.S. Secretary of State who is demanding an immediate cease fire...
... the European Union that is calling for "an immediate end to hostilities..."
... the Russians who are asking for all sides to return to the negotiating table.
I have just one question for all of you:
Where was your concern for human life when it was Israeli civilians being targeted all these year?!"
"What the heck is happening to this place? They are stark raving mad. How did generation after generation manage the stress of red ink and still achieve what they did? This is BIZARRE beyond any way for me to describe it. This is what is happening right now, right here in this country on this date. Dec.26,2008. Where are the grown ups?"
"Wall Street swindler Bernie Madoff was placed under house arrest Thursday. His crimes left a lot of people embarrassed. We have cameras at street corners, cameras at the banks, cameras at the ATMs and nobody saw a guy stealing fifty billion dollars."
"U.S. Congressman William Jefferson will be replaced by a Republican next month after he was arrested for having ninety thousand dollars in cash in his freezer. Today he looks like the smartest money manager in America. Just think of all the Jewish charities that would still be solvent today if they'd invested with William Jefferson."
"A few years ago, I heard former Mayor Ed Koch of New York accept an award at a dinner honoring Jewish leaders in Washington, DC. President Bush was present, and Koch saluted him, telling his largely liberal audience that in his eyes- and Ed Koch is anything but a conservative- that George W. Bush was as a President the best friend that Israel ever had and the President most sympathetic to Jewish concerns. Perhaps, like Rabbi Yoffe, more Jews in America will come to understand that."
"JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell and Adolf Hitler Campbell. Good names for a trio of toddlers? Heath and Deborah Campbell think so. The Holland Township couple has picked those names and the oldest child, Adolf Hitler Campbell, turns 3 today. This has given rise to a problem, because the ShopRite supermarket in Greenwich Township has refused to make a cake for young Adolf's birthday."(hat tip, Diane)
'I don't know what Caroline Kennedy's qualifications are.' 'Except that she has name recognition, but so does J.Lo,' Ackerman continued on Steve Malzberg's radio show on WOR. 'I wouldn't make J.Lo the senator unless she proved she had great qualifications, but we haven't seen them yet.'"
"Government officials are said to be concerned at the risk that the collapse of Santa Claus could pose to the nation's intricately related system of holiday happiness. Though a failure by Santa Claus poses the largest systemic risk, the government is also prepared to step in to bail out Christmas trees, caroling parties and mistletoe producers".
"We just endured an election in which every gesture was aggravated into a scandal and, going forward, we’re best off not reading too much into each iota of non-policy news. But this strikes me as remarkably obnoxious on Obama’s part. The Left-wing media has actually been throwing around the idea of an early start to Obama’s presidency for a few weeks now. But as bad as it is to hear Chris Matthews suggest Obama preempt George W. Bush, it’s easily dismissed as the ravings of an unseriousness sycophant. That the President-elect himself couldn’t quite bear to respect the process of the transition is bizarre."
"The Church of England approved an anti-Israel carol that was sung as part of an 'alternative' event called ‘Bethlehem Now: Nine Alternative Lessons and Carols’ that took place at the end of November in the Wren church of St James’s in Central London, and was organized by anti-Israel campaigners, including one liberal Jewish group"Remember: in America, a woman protested the lyrics of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". I wonder what she would think of the lyrics of this anti-Israel carol!
"I can report exclusively after several conversations with lead defense attorney Jose Baez that his client Casey Anthony reacted 'very badly' to today’s news of the child’s body being discovered. 'She was crying and sobbing,' according to Baez. Furthermore, she had to be given a sedative to calm her.Naturally! This monster was crying and sobbing because she has finally been caught!
"There was a strange turn of events at a local school Friday, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is at the center of it.My sister and I were the only Jewish kids in our entire elementary school. We sang all the Christmas songs but chose on our own not to sing the name "Jesus". (A few years ago I read that other bloggers had done the same thing!) But to try to ban a cheerful children's song just because of the inoffensive words "Christmas Eve" and "Santa" is ludicrous. What will the next anti-Christmas protest be, I wonder?
Children at Murrayville Elementary were told they couldn't sing that song, but later in the day they received word they can.
Rudolph is a cheerful song, loved by many like some kids in Bladen County. Children at the elementary school had practiced the song for their holiday program next week.
Then, abruptly, Rudolph was dropped from the program because of the words, "Christmas Eve."
It all began with one parent who didn't want her child to sing any song with direct Christmas connotations.
The parent who wants to remain anonymous does not celebrate Christmas and told us, "there needs to be a comfortable environment for all students, not just some."
The words Christmas Eve and Santa make her uncomfortable, so the Murrayville's principal dropped the song."
"The international media have already morphed the horrific slaughter in Mumbai into the murky realm of euphemism and apologetics."Thankfully you can count on talk radio and the bloggers to tell the truth.