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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

LSSU's List of Banished Words

Lake Superior State University has their annual list of banished words, but the link seems to work only sporadically on Internet Explorer and not at all on Firefox. The Detroit Free Press has this enjoyable article on this year's list. Among other things, the writer says:
"Among well-worn cliches, "at the end of the day" is getting to me, as is the synonymous "when all is said and done." These expressions are usually followed by a declaration of what we have to do. Just do it, by the end of tomorrow.
In recent years, people have said so often that they are going after the "low hanging fruit" that I can't believe there is any left anywhere. And we've had so many "stakeholders" on this or that issue that it's no wonder you can never find a vampire when you need one.
I have grown weary, too, of "perfect storm" being used to describe everything from our financial crisis to a political problem to a slew of sports injuries. Some weather person coined the term to describe a rare confluence of factors creating extreme conditions. Now it seems as if we have a "perfect storm" somewhere, some way, every day. It's supposed to be rare, remember? And too much today is described as "extreme" -- sports, diets, poverty, the right wing, the left wing, weather, illness. "I had this like, extreme, flu ..."
Can we stop talking about "meltdowns" in this industry or that business? The term describes what happens in the overheated core of a nuclear reactor, but it's a little hyperbolic for everything else to which it is applied, including emotional collapses. Financial houses fail, but their demise does not spread lethal radiation, just extreme misery.
I commiserate with a fellow scribe who hates hearing "it is what it is." Just tell us what it is and then we'll all know.
And beware of someone who starts addressing you by saying, "with all due respect ..." which is another way of saying you don't deserve any and I'm about to expose your idiocy."

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