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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pepto Bismol Alert

Jessica's Well has a warning: "Be Prepared to Hurl" over
this leg-tingling description of Pres. Obama:
"The good news is, the Obamafied bliss is still out there, still swirling, still waiting to be supped like a fine digestif. At any given moment you can, if you so choose, pause in whatever it is you're suffering from and hear that voice and see his visage or perhaps merely hear some pundit say the words 'President Obama' out loud, and you can still enjoy that delicious chill, that little jolt that says, 'Oh my God, did we really do it? Is that lucid, impeccably centered man really the leader of the free world?' You can even take it a tiny step further. You can, as I recently did, glance up at the screen during Obama's congressional address and see not only a young, composed, African American president speaking to the populace in more thoughtful, articulate language than we've heard in a decade, but also note that he happens to be surrounded by a female Speaker of the House and a female Secretary of State and a smart, funny VP who, refreshingly, is not a sneering warmongering torture fanatic who enjoys sucking the blood from live baby sharks."

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