Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Nightmare That is Obamacare

At American Thinker, Wendi Lynn G. explains "why the 'angry mob' is angry":
"We're justly and increasingly angry because our reps not only refuse to hear us, but they also chastise us for wanting to be heard. How else would they expect us to react when we feel so helpless and hopeless? No matter what we want, say, or do, our government is going to force us to eat a meal we never ordered. In addition, we keep saying, 'no, we don't want this', but they keep putting affirmations in our mouths and proceeding with their radical agenda anyway. We are not enjoying the governmental rape of our country. We said 'no,' and 'no" means 'no' in every language. Why doesn't this matter? Every poll reflects the president's rapidly declining approval rating -- for good reason. And still, Robert Gibbs flippantly dismisses it. How are 'we the people' supposed to feel? Certainly we do not feel happy, or even just mildly upset, about being disregarded. Far-left ideologues who supposedly espouse 'compassionate' causes have no compassion for how we feel, nor do they have a clue that we are an angry mob of their own creation."

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